8-Shared Secrets

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You wake up in the infirmary. Your vision was blurry at first but then it cleared up. You should've been dead. You look around and you noticed that you were in a private room. Of course. Thranduil was the one to save you and that's why you were put in a private room. Will that man ever make up his mind on what he wants from you?

"You need to be careful there." a familiar voice says. You look to your side and of course, it was Thranduil. You wanted to hit him but you knew that would cause you even more pain. "What are you doing here? I didn't ask you to save my life." you say. "You didn't have to. I already knew you were in danger." he says. "Following me again?" you ask, glaring at him. "Not exactly. It's kind of hard to explain." he says looking down. "Nice excuse." you say.

"Fine! The first time we met, you and your father spent a week here. He was asking for help and I was willing to provide the help that was needed. I was hesitant at first but the minute you caught my eyes, I agreed immediately. My wife just died and I never thought I would ever find someone to love again. It took me one second to feel a connection with you. Ever since, I have always known when you were in danger. I actually knew when you were headed here." he says. He was now sitting closer to you. You felt bad for how you treated him.

"That's why you have been so protective of me since my arrival." you say. "I couldn't bear to see you hurt." he says. "Then why did you push me away when we were dancing? You seemed so ashamed of me." you say. "I wasn't. I promise. I just wasn't fully ready for people to know that I am in love again. But how could you love me?" he asks. "How could I not?" you ask. Because of this." he says, letting his scar show. "You think some scar is going to scare me away?" "It doesn't? " "No. I uh have a similar one." you say. You then let yours show. His was on his left side and yours was on your right side.

You both let your scars disappear. He brings his face closer to yours. "Did your father ever tell you not to play with dragon fire?" he asks, chuckling. "He wasn't around when I got this. I snuck off." you giggle. He just chuckled and then gave you a kiss.

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