7-The Deadly Accident

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*Slight blood warning*

A few days after that very interesting night, you are in your room. You suddenly hear a knock at the door. You were kinda scared to find out who that was. But at the same time, you knew that if it was Thranduil, he would just barge in. "Come in." you say. "Hello my dear. How are you this wonderful morning?" Bala says, walking in with some clothes. "I am doing alright. What is all this for?" you ask. "For tonight. The King is having a festival and wants everyone to attend." she says. She then takes everything and lays it all out. It was a long purple dress with sleeves that go off the shoulders. It was absolutely stunning.

A few hours later, it was time for the festival. You are fully dressed and ready. Bala then walks you out to the center of the kingdom. There were tents everywhere and music playing. You could see a few elves dancing and in the distance, you spotted Thranduil.

He walks right up to you and holds out his hand. "Would you care to dance?" he asks. "Of course." you say taking his hand. He leads you to the center and you two start to dance. "You look absolutely stunning, my dear." he says. "Why thank you." you say. Everyone starts to look at you. That caught his eyes and he pushes you away.

"What is wrong with you? First you ask me to dance with you and the minute people look at us, you toss me aside." you say in an angry tone. You start to walk off but he was quick enough to get caught up. "Please let me explain." he says. "Save it." you say.

You storm off with tears in your eyes. You knew it. He was just using you. He didn't actually love you. You went off not knowing how far you have actually gone. Suddenly, you hear some noises coming towards you. You were blind by your own tears. You wipe them away and you are faced by an orc. Of course. Just your luck. And you were unarmed.

"Looky here. We have got ourselves an elf." the orc says. "Not just any elf, Hurms. The pretty elf that got away from our brother." the other one says. "And she looks unarmed, Cozog." Hurms says, pushing you to the ground. You looked at them defenseless. What were you supposed to do? You didn't have your dagger with you. Lucky for you, there was rock beside you. You picked it up and threw it at them. "Ha! Is that all you got?" Hurms asks, chuckling.

You just sat there already giving up. What else did you have to live for? You weren't welcome back into your kingdom and Thranduil didn't seem to care if you lived or died. "Give up that easily?" Cozog asks. He then picks you up and drags you along. What was the point in fighting?

You end back up in their cave. "If you aren't going to put up a fight, you are going to be easy to kill." Hurms says. He throws you to the ground. Your head hits a sharp corner of a boulder. Your head starts to bleed. You wanted to try something. You try to stand up but you fall back down. You finally stand back up and grab an ax. You swing at Hurms and knock him to the ground. "Oh now you want a fight. I'll give you a fight." he chuckles.

He picks up his dagger and swings at you. He had such a terrible aim, that he ended up cutting your arm. You hiss in pain but you pick your ax back up and swing again. You end up missing this time. "Not much of a fighter." Hurms says. He goes to swing his dagger when it hits your ax. "I can fight." you spit. "Feisty." he says.

You kept going. You ended up cutting his arm off. At least you got something out of it. Right when you went to pick your ax back up, he stabs you right in the stomach. You look at him before falling to the ground. He was the last thing you saw before everything went dark.

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