Chapter 1.3 - New People & John's Troubles

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Kayden's Pov

After I left John thinking and waiting for that girl he was worried about, I decided to go explore the facilities of this school, so I don't end up mindlessly go walking around the hallways as it's very annoying. Anyways, I would walk around the hallways, carefully mapping out the layout and keeping track of each room until I saw something rather unique.

Room 224.

A piece of standard lined printer paper was taped onto the sign of the room (it didn't look very secure or professional at all though), it read, "Safe House!", written in a black marker with a rough drawing of a house beneath it. I stood outside the bismark coloured door thinking about it. Was it a club? Who was the Safe House for? I decided to open the door and take a peak inside as I simply couldn't understand what this 'Safe House' was.

I openned the door, revealing a room with around 15 people, all with an air of friendliness and the room was simply filled with friendly chatter. Quite the stark contrast to what I have heard and seen about this school with John's incident and the blueberry, Zeke. I scanned across both sides of the room to see everyone was rather friendly with eachother. I recognised Remi, with her pink hair at  the far end writing something on the board.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me and saw a few stares at me and light chatter of who I am followed. Someone tapped on Remi's shoulders, point me out. She looked towards me with a friendly face and approached me, recognising who I was.

"You're Kayden, right?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm Kayden." I replied, pointing to myself.

"Well, what brings you here?"

"My curiosity, so what is this place?" 

"Welcome to the Safe House!" She exclaimed with pride, I could tell that she must of had some part of creating this due to her prideful look.

"I know that, I saw the sign. So what is the so called 'Safe House'?" 

"Well before you came, there was a trend of violence everywhere. Low tiers were under constant bullying and there was the fear of John. " She explained. Wow, John really did do quite the damage if a club was made with the fear of him in mind but this is very much similar to the Transcendent world. "So, I made the Safe House to help fix things. A place of saftey that people of all ranks can join and hang out." She continued, her goal was very... naïve.

"Aren't you being quite naïve there?" I asked.

"I know I am, your not the first. All I want to do is just to help others." She replied with eyes roaring of commitment to this cause. I twitched slightly from the naïvety coming from her. From my experience, helping others with no self benifit is just wasting rescources but this girl, doesn't even look to be level 6.0 just from a little aura search, is this commited to doing this and when John, who looked to be just under level 8.0 was roaming around. John would have been able to one sidely beat her. 

I was puzzled; I've never seen this ever, even in the Transcendent world but I respect the commitment.

"You're strange but I respect the commitment." I bluntly pointed out, giving her a mixed reaction.

A couple seconds later I saw a tall guy with unkempt light orange hair that is dyed dark brown at the base and amber eyes come from behind and approached the strange girl that stood infront of me. Hang on... why does he look familiar? He got to Remi and noticed me and looked surprised and also looked like he had seen me before. I focused on my senses of bioelectrical signals of everyone  and... ah, I ran past him then he watched my interaction John.  He look kind of stupid now I think about it, maybe I should beat him because I feel like it.

UnOrdinary: Kayden RowanWhere stories live. Discover now