Chapter 2.

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A short woman, wearing a black dress with a dark green apron with flowers in the belt. She was braiding her blue hair, her glasses made out of pure gold, her eyes shine as emerald her appearance was as beautiful as a elegant rose.

In her room, her bed had a pretty pattern such as bees and flowers she had gotten as a gift from one of her friends. She had tons of flowers and vines around her room with a birch desk.

"Why doth thy baby rabbit in Kon-Kon hill~ have such big red eyes?~"

She was humming a lullaby from her father that she was sang to when she was younger, the young witch was watering her roses, her name?

Willow Paulina Park! The Greatest Plant Witch there ever was!!

But... she was also the one of most wanted witchs! She lived in a big mushroom house in the woods. It had glowing flowers flowing through the air, some lanterns hanged from flower bushes. Her house was in a deep dark forest, where no one dare ever tread.

As she finished her braids she quickly ran down the stairs, from her room she went to check on her garden of fruits, "Oh gooberries! I ran out of fertilizer..." she sighed quite loudly, "Oh Clover~!" A big golden bee was sleeping on her leaf shaped bed, she woke up hearing her name. She flew up and down the stairs to her owner, "Hi my dear!" Clover quickly nuzzled her neck buzzing in happiness!

"Okay, we have to buy more fertilizer, and food and we have to check up on the Bat Queen's palismen." Clover looked up at her, "Yes, and treats." She buzzed happily. Willow giggled a bit. Then she remembered something, she had to go grab a cloak so no guards would see her.

She went to her coat holder and picked out her black to pink cloak the pin to hold it was a small rose. "Alright! You ready Clover?" She buzzed to confirm and then turned into a staff.

She got on her staff and flew away into the sky, her braids flowing through the air. She pulled out a small notebook, "okay! First we must go to... get food!" She flew to the town, Bonesborough. Now not many witches or barely any witches at all were allowed to go to the Market Place. It was forbidden... but if you didn't get caught... then it never was forbidden as Willow says. She saw the huge palace that the king and prince lived in... DEAR TITAN she hates the king... but she has never seen the prince before, so she doesn't have that much of a reason to hate them. But she still hates them, her grandmother had died from the king.

She didn't get why people liked him so much! He sucks! She shook her head, "I need to pay more attention to the food and not hating the king.. WELL HOW CAN I NO- no one is here... who am I complaining to.." she shrugged it off and went into a tree. Clover turned back to her palismen form Willow quickly put a knife in her pocket just in case anything happened.

She walked calmly in the market, tons of witches and demons walking around.. she saw the food store and ran to the door. She opened it and a ding was heard from the bell, "Hello, welcome to Amaya's food store!" "Hi," Willow said to the woman.

She looked around, she had her own bag. She placed the griffin eggs into her bag, goo berries, boo butter, demon's milk. She had everything for now, she walked up to the cashier and payed for her food. "Thanks! Come again!" She said as Willow walked out.

She looked at her little time clock on her belt, it was 6:30 she went back to the bushes and flew away on her staff. She drew a glyph her friend had taught her. She put it on her and held her breath, she then was invisible.

She flew near the palace to see what they were up to. She took off the glyph and started panting, until she heard a scream from above her. She looked up and saw a tall blonde man holding a book.


The Prince and the Witch. (Huntlow Story~!)Where stories live. Discover now