Chapter 7.

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Belos was sitting in his chair tapping on his throne.





"Finally, Lillith, Kikimora. Have you found my guard yet?" He spoke, his eyes glowed a fearless blue with a death stare.

He was Belos King of the Isles, or in other words emperor. He stroke fear into all who saw him, he was a... uncle. To the boy Hunter, yes the one who slept with a witch. But we will of course get into his past later on.

"We have found a location. A house seems to be home to a witch. A... wild witch." Lillth said bowing to the man.

Kikimora wanted to tell him... she scoffed slightly "Well, break into the home and find the prince and be useful for once in your damn lives." Kikimora then saw Belos make his hand into a green... goo..

"You know that the prince is not allowed out for a reason." "What... is the reason?" Lillth asked terrified for her life, "It is never any of your business now. Go. Into the home. And find the prince! and if you don't. Trash it. I want it gone!" He said rubbing his temple with his fingers. "Y-yes Emperor." The two said before leaving.

Belos got up from his throne and went to the wall, he pushed on a single brick and magic of multiple glyphs showed, all glowing red. Before a door showed, he walked into it and walked through the tunnel.

The tunnel was dirt and stone all around spiders crawled rats walked. Dim lights went across the halls.

He walked up to a dirt wall and performed the same glyph spell. He walked into what seemed like a farm filled with interesting ingredients.


Kikimora went through the forest with Lillith and about 20 coven guards. They walked and saw a tall mushroom house. "Go! Break into it and find the prince!" The coven guards broke down the door with a kick.

They looked around and moved everything, the drawers open and scattered, the furniture moved some chairs at the table were moved and flipped. They found a bedroom and went inside. They looked down and saw the prince's clothes. "Kikimora!" One called she answered with a harsh "WHAT!?" "The prince we found his clothing!" Another one said. She ran inside not believing them before seeing it for herself.

"What the hell.." Kikimora felt confused... why would the princes clothes be here!? Of all places. Unless he was kidnapped.

Everyone else continued searching for more of the princes stuff or to find him in general.


The house was turned upside down, there was no place not ransacked and found out. She put the clothes into a bag and threw it at Lillith making her catch it. "Hell was that for?!" "Nothing I just don't like you." Lillith hissed at her upset and they walked back to the palace.

Belos walked back into his throne room went on his chair sitting angrily waiting. He held a small hamster palismen he looked into is eyes with anger and hunger.

It squeaked in fear and then.


He broke the poor thing with his hand it made one last noise before passing away right in his hand, a bright line green goo oozed out of the palismen.

It went down his fingers before he held it to his mask and it circled around his blue eyes and he... ate it?? Maybe absorbed it...

The palismen's wooden corpse turned into a ash and slowly disintegrated into nothingness.

He looked at his hand and shook it around on the air a bit to have no ash on it. He felt a bit better but of course he wanted more... more of the palismen he craved for.

He then heard a knock on his door and it was Kikimora and Lilith they walked in holding the bag. They handed it to him and he looked at it "His clothes? What do you expect me to do with this?" "Sir this is the only thing we could find... the house was turned upside down to find him.." Belos's golden hand turned into a golden fist, he got anger before thinking "This... is the house of a wild witch correct?" "Yes we believe so."

"Then, when the witch comes back to their home. Kidnap them. I wish to speak with them formally... or.. maybe use them as a example to those who cross me..."


What will happen? You shall find out when I finish the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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