Chapter 3.

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Hunter looked down screaming as he saw a stick and a floating hat?

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "WHAT THE?! I GOT YOU!" She quickly flew up and held out her arms, he fell into them.

They looked at each other, both blushed a bit. "Thank you... uhm.." "W-Well that is what a witch does! We save the people!" "W-WITCH!? AS THE PRINCE I-" "PRINCE?!"

She almost let go, until she realized what she had just said "Ugh.." She used her vines and tied him up. She put him in her arms and let him sit there.

Hunter hated how she was tying him up, he was the prince for titans sake! He should be the one tying her up!

He sighed she looked down and his eyes instantly locked with hers, they both blushed and looked away. "Well, since you suddenly fall into my arms Mr. Prince charming then I will be taking you." "T-Take me!?" He said surprised, "I do need some extra housework done so you can help Goldie." "Goldie?!" "Because of your hair, anyways shut it we are going to my house." She grew vines and covered his mouth.

He yelled and yelled but it just became muffled. She started flying back home, he looked into his pocket and found a small knife.

She smirked, "Nice try Prince charming! But trust me I am very smart," He scoffed, she removed the vine off his mouth.

"Ugh! Can't we get to your house quicker?!" "Well I still have to go to the Bat Queen and my friends so I can help out with the palismen first. But this also means I will have to put you to sleep." "What?" She grew a small sleeping needle out of her hand and put it up to his nose. "Hey! T-this.. is.. violatinnng.." he quickly fell asleep, he fell down onto her lap. She blushed a bit she glided down to the ground and landed swiftly. She picked him up and put him resting on a tree. He then woke up "Hey!" He then felt himself still tied. He growled a bit as he saw the witch growing some fruit and feeding some rabbits.

He then remembered his knife, he tried reaching into his pockets and got it. He gave it to his other hand, as he started ripping up the rope.

Hunter than felt the rope snapping until he felt hands on his. "Awe.. did you really think I wouldn't notice?" She said teasing the prince. " are such a witch." She hissed back at him. "Rude much?" "Yeah, when it's with you I will be." "Yeah sure scar face."

Hunter felt anger in his body as she said that, he just scoffed away and scrunched up his nose.

She looked at his reaction and kind of regretted it, she saw the rabbits asking for more food and pets, bringing other friends such as birds and squirrels.

She took the knife away from him and put it into a pouch of hers. "DON'T move. Understood?" "Yeah yeah sure." Willow walked away and then felt her walking become slower,

She instantly realized something she felt her magic become weaker, "Shit.. my magic is running low.." she thought and helped and cared for the animals.

"Well now we fed the animals and helped them, we are heading to my house." "Ugh, finally..." his tone was less.. arrogant than before more tame..

And upset?

She gave him a look of sympathy, he looked back up at her with a bit of tears in his eyes, "Are.. you upset?" "Shut the fuck up." He said coldly to her, "Jeez fine rude." Willow said dramatically.

Since he was being a jerk she decided to drag him by the shoe, she picked up his foot and started dragging him "AGH!? OW OW OW!!" "Oh shut u-up.." they got big rose bushes,

She used some plant magic making her weaker. She used her plant magic to move the rose bushes, revealing a big mushroom house. Hunter stared at it and saw glowing floating flowers and lanterns. "So are.. you going to kill me?" "Yup!" "WAIT REALLY?!" "Y-yup!" Her cheeks became a bit red from the magic she used up.

She let him get up, and stare at her house. "So this is your house?" "Yeah." "It looks like shit." "...Thanks.. Well, you are staying here.. w-while I figure o-out w..hat to d..o.."

She felt herself start to collapse to the ground, "w-with.." "Witch?" He said a bit concerned. He then tried getting out of the rope while he could, it snapped and he quickly grabbed her. "Witch are you okay?" She fell to the ground, he quickly put her head on his lap to check to see if she was okay.

Deep dark small thorn vines grow around them... they were very thin, he felt himself become a bit scared, he saw her asleep. Completely passed out on his lap, there he was stuck at her house. With no one but himself.

The Prince and the Witch. (Huntlow Story~!)Where stories live. Discover now