The wake of war

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A few years later

Third person

It had been a few years since Leto had expected a visit from her kids. She was about to cook for Percy, Percy had been training with the nymphs and nature spirits.

"Mother," Artemis said.

"Hello to you," Leto said.

"There's a war. We wanted to inform you and keep you updated. We will be participating in the war," Apollo said.

"Alright, please be careful," Leto said.

"We will. Although, I belive extra care is needed for my brother," Artemis said, "By the way, mother. Can I take a stroll in the forest?"

"Sure, there might be someone there though," Leto said before going away.

Artemis went to the forest. She was looking around until she heard clashes of swords. She saw the same boy fighting the nature spirits and nymphs. She shot an arrow, but the boy managed to slice it in half right before it hit him.

"Who are you?" Artemis asked sharply.

"No one important," Percy replied hastily.

"Leave the nature spirits and nymphs," Artemis said.

"Lady Artemis, this boy is just training with us. Do not worry," the nymphs said.

Artemis looked down sheepishly, she mumbled a sorry. Then returned back to Leto's house.

"We are off now mother!" Apollo called.

"Please be safe my dears," Leto said, giving them a quick kiss on the cheek.

Then they flashed to Olympus.

"Apollo, do you notice anything weird about that boy we met last time?" Artemis asked.

"Maybe. I felt like I've met him somewhere," Apollo replied, shrugging.

Suddenly, Artemis visioned herself coming out of her mother then helping some one cutting the cord, two cords.

"That was our brother!" Artemis gasped.

"Don't be ridiculous, Artemis. You are my only sibling with the same mother," said Apollo, eating some grapes.

Back on Delos.

Three flashes.

"It is time," Clotho said.

"For Perseus' appearance," Lachesis continued.

"He is powerful and can defeat the enemies," Atropos said.

Then, they were gone. Leto sighed, she knew she couldn't keep Percy here forever with her.

Suddenly, another flash snapped her out of her thoughts, she jumped back, startled. There stood Percy, grinning at his mother.

"Percy, you are going to be the death of me one day," Leto said.

"Sorry, the nymphs taught me how to flash, I'm excited to try it out," Percy said.

"Anyways, the fates visited. It is time for you to go to Olympus. You need to aid the gods," Leto said.

"I will do as you ask, Mother. I'm glad I can see my siblings. I will miss you," Percy said with a sigh. He would most definitely miss his mother. After farewells, he left in flash and appeared in Olympus, right in the middle of a heated discussion.

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