The control of the Lightning Bolt

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"Perseus, my son, tell me. How is Leto?" Zeus asked.

"She's great," I replied.

"How did it happen? I mean you being a god," Father asked.

"Well, the fates decided to visit us one day, and they made me god," I replied, looking forward.

"Do you know my weapon? My lightning bolt. There's a lot of things you can do with it, including threatening," Zeus said. He backed away, then pointed the bolt at me and it threw towards me. There's an instinct, I reached out to hold it, and it stopped in its mid-tracks. I reached forward and held it up, it sent a lightning bolt up into the sky.

"How is this possible?" Zeus asked in disbelief. I just shrugged. What's the deal with him telling me his bolt can be used to threaten? I decided to drop it.

"So, if you don't have anything else to say, I'll go see my siblings myself," I said, leaving Father astounded and frozen in place.

I went inside the palace and found my brother and sister talking.

"Hey, Arty," I said.

"Don't call me Arty," she demanded, I shrugged.

"That's my first word, you know," I told her and her jaw opened slightly.

"So, no hi Apollo?" Apollo asked.

"Hi, Apollo. My idiotic brother. You were just too idiotic to play a part in my life, I just learnt that word just now," I said. He glared at me.

"Sorry, sorry. I was just pulling your leg. Of course, you wouldn't know. Your brain can't process that," I said, snickering at him. I guess he got mad and shot a few arrows at me and I just collected them with one swipe of my hand mid air.

"You got to teach me that," Apollo said, his jaw dropped.

"How did you defeat us, brother?" Artemis asked.

"Instincts," I told them and shrugged.

"So you meant to tell us that you beat us by your instincts?" Apollo asked.

"Pretty much," I told them. Before we could say anything more, the ground started shaking real bad and people look at me.

"Don't look at me, I'm not doing this. Probably Kronos," I said.

"And you are not scared?" Hermes asked when he ran towards us.

"Nah, I've seen way worse," I said.

"This shall be the end of Olympus," laughed Kronos maniacally.

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