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Chaeyoung's POV 

I woke up by a sound of water inside my bathroom, I saw Suzy isn't beside me. I sat up and saw it's midnight. I walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. 

"Honey? Are you okay? What happened? Did you get an upset stomach? Can I come in?" I asked continuously and I heard the faucet was closed. She opens the door and she looked like she had a bad headache. "What happened Honey? Are you sick?" I asked and use the back of my palm and touched her forehead. She is indeed hot, I mean she had a fever. We shouldn't stayed at the garden yesterday. "Wait here, I will just grab some clean towel and warm water. Wait for me at our bed Honey. I will also get some medicine for your fever to go down." I said and she just nodded at me. I went out and prepared what I need. I also used some alcohol and put it inside the basin with warm water. I look for a clean clothe and took it. I saw the medicine kit and look for medicines to her fever. I saw one and get it, then a glass of water too. I put it all in a tray and went upstairs. 

I opened our door and she laid down on our bed. I gently put the tray in our bedside table and she open her eyes. I gave her the medicine and a glass of water. She drink it and I laid her back again. I dipped the clean clothe into the basin with warm water and alcohol. Then dried it and put it on her forehead. 

"I suddenly felt sick and I threw up. I woke up with a heavy headache too. I'm sorry I woke you up." She said weakly. I shook my head. I held her hand and sit beside her. 

"You don't need to worry about it Honey. You're sick and it's my responsibility to take care of you. You don't have to be sorry about it okay? Now, take a rest and I will watch you sleep. I will wipe this to your body so you can release some heat." I said and she nodded weakly at me. I wipe her body while I held her hand. I saw her slowly went back to sleep and I just stared at her closed eyes. She's really beautiful.  My wife is so gorgeous. I kissed her cheeks. I decided to  take my book and read for awhile. 

A few hours, I felt her stirred up so I immediately put down my book and looked at her. She opened her eyes and looked at me. 

"Do you need anything? I will make you some soup if you're hungry. You told me you threw up right? So everything you ate is gone. Wait here I will make you some porridge." I said and was about to stood up when she suddenly hold my hand. 

"I'm not hungry, I just want you to stay here and hug me. I felt so cold alone here." She said softly. I laid down beside her and move closer to her and I hugged her. I put my arm on her shoulder and she hugged my waist. 

"Are you warm already? Sleep now Honey, get some rest. You badly need it." I said and I caressed her hair. She smiled at me and nodded. I kissed her forehead again. I leaned closer to her head and closed my eyes. She's still have fever but it's not like earlier.  I just wished she will be fine tomorrow. 

I felt a bright light went on my face, the sunlight hits our face. I saw Suzy's face. She looked so beautiful with these light. I felt hard thump on my heart. I touched her forehead and felt she's still have fever. I pulled away gently and went directly to our kitchen. I've decided to make her porridge and get some medicine for her fever and headache. I put it in a tray and and took it upstairs. I opened my door and I saw her sitting on our bed while she's massaging her  temple. 

I gently placed the tray on our bed side table. I sat down beside her then touched her head to check her temperature. She's not that sick anymore. Maybe a little but not like earlier. 

"Are you hungry? I know you are, you threw up so everything you ate was gone. I've made you some porridge and after you eat, you will have to drink your medicines okay?" I asked and she didn't respond but she moves closer to me and hug me. 

"Thank you Hon, I'm sorry if I got sick. You should be working now but instead you're here taking care of a sick person like me." She softly said. I hug her bsck and kiss her head. Then I gently touch her face and kiss her. 

"You shouldn't apologize on something like that Honey. No one would like to get sick and also I will put you first before my work. You know that right?" I said and smiled at her. I kiss her again but this time it's longer. " I love you Suzy and I will never let you go like I did before." I said with warmness and hugged her. 

"I love you too and I want to stay with you as much as you want." She said and I smiled at her. I grabbed her porridge at guides her to eat. 

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