.・゜゜・003 ✧

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.・゜-: ✧ :- ★ -: ✧ :-゜・.
Chapter 3
.・゜-: ✧ :- ☆ -: ✧ :-゜・.

1st Person's POV:

You got your hand out of Diablo's soft hair and looked up at him with anticipation, "Well, what else do I have to do?"

Diablo looked up in thought with his hand under his chin, "Hmm, I would say... giving me your requests about the skills you want to be born with."

Your eyes lightened up and you jumped around happily, "Woo!! Really? Do you really mean it? REALLY?!" You practically yelled out of excitement while you got nearer his face with pink dusted over your cheeks as you waited for his answer, you could feel your impatience rising up.

Diablo sweatdropped and internally gulped from your cute face that was painted with excitement and anticipation. He coughed out his thoughts before speaking, "Of course, surely you are smart enough to know the needed skills you will need in the world I'll be transporting you in?"

You stood straight and sent a salute to him, "Sir, yes sir!"

He looked at you blankly before silently chuckling in which he covered it up with a sigh.

Diablo looked up at you with a soft smile on his face, "What am I gonna do with you?" He silently muttered to himself before standing straight–you standing in a posture that yelled 'Hurry!'– and opened his mouth, "Well, I'm waiting."

A toothy grin immediately appeared on your lips and words came flying out of your mouth like lightning, "FirstIwantSenku'sknowledgeandmaybeevenMikey'sstrengthandfightingskillsOHandmayberimuri'smagicbutthatsnotneccesarysinceimgoingtoanon-magicworld–"

Steam fumes were practically flowing out Diablo's head as his eyes animatedly turned into spirals with his lips twitching and muttering words that were filled with concerns and confusion.

Luckily he snapped out of it so he decided to cut you off, "Yes yes! Kindly speak slowly so I can list the things you want!"

You comically perked up as you robotically turned your head to Diablo's direction who thought that it would be nice to cut you off from your muttering spree.

Of course, unpleased with that, you hissed at him, Diablo responding with a surrender'ing position.

"Calm down, will you? Like I have mentioned earlier, I wouldn't understand you if you keep on muttering your requests as fast as the speed of light." Hearing his reason, you pouted knowing he was right.

"Fine. Well, firstly I want Senku's knowledge." You stated proudly with your hips on either side of your hips and chest puffed out.

Diablo deadpanned at your first request before sighing, "And why is that? Not like it is a bad decision but why?"

You pondered over his question for a minute before answering, "Because I want to."

"And also because that would be so cool, hueheuhuehue..." You creepily chuckled at yourself as you indulged yourself in your thoughts, completely forgetting that the devil infront of you could read minds.

He looked at you, disturbed. Your thoughts being clear as day making him step away from you. It's not like you were thinking anything inappropriate about Senku, but it was because you were thinking about SENKU. And that is enough to make him feel disturbed. But he snapped out of it, 'Jeez, what's with this girl...'

"Of course you would say that." He quickly said as he deflated, "Well, putting that aside, is those really the only reason?"

You let out an immediate response, "Of course not! I also want it so I won't have to study." You said in a cherry tone with your lips in a 'V' shape.

The Insecurity That Lies Deep Within || Var!Oshi no ko x F!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now