Chapter 1

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The year was 2003, and the bustling city was full of excitement as a new college year began. The campus was filled with students eager to start their academic journeys, their laughter and chatter bringing the place to life. It is in this vibrant setting that our story takes place.

In a large lecture hall, students settled into their seats as the professor prepared to start the literary class. The room buzzed with anticipation, and the air smelled of old books, promising a journey of intellectual exploration. Emily, a young woman in her second year, sat among her peers, feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia.

As the professor stepped onto the stage, the room fell silent with anticipation. A poem, filled with beautiful sadness, was recited-a poignant exploration of the complexities of love. Every word resonated in the room, creating a captivating tapestry of emotions. Lines like "Love, a wicked muse, entangles our hearts but leaves us longing in darkness" hung in the air, stirring memories in Emily's heart.

Lost in the vivid imagery of the poem, Emily's mind drifted back to her middle school days, where she had experienced her first taste of young love. She remembered Josh, a boy with a contagious smile and a charming personality that had captured her young heart. Their paths had separated when Emily moved to a different city, ending their connection. But the poem rekindled those buried memories and stirred a longing for the innocence they had once shared.

After the lecture, Emily walked towards the busy cafeteria, still lost in the bittersweet echoes of the poem. She sat down on a weathered wooden bench, holding her cup of coffee, and watched the vibrant crowd of students. And then, amidst the crowd, she noticed a face-a young man with pale skin and troubled eyes, who bore a striking resemblance to the boy she once knew.

Recognition struck her, and her heart skipped a beat. It was Josh. He stood there, looking different from the innocent and charming boy in her memories. Time had left its mark on his face, and a scar near his eyebrows hinted at a life that had shaped him into someone new.

As Emily watched, her heart racing, Josh approached her with a hesitant smile. "Hi, Emily," he greeted softly. She greeted him back, feeling a mix of familiarity and curiosity.

"How have you been?" Emily asked, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

"Good," Josh replied, his eyes studying her face. "And you?"

They exchanged pleasantries, keeping their conversation light and friendly, only skimming the surface of their lives. But before they could go deeper, Josh was called by someone in the distance-a girl. With her striking tattoos and piercings, she seemed like an intriguing mystery to Emily. Josh turned towards her and said, "Wait up." He glanced back at Emily, a flicker of apology in his eyes, before leaving with her.

Days went by, and Emily's encounters with Josh remained elusive, as if the universe was playing a teasing game. But fate, persistent as ever, brought them together again in the cafeteria.

This time, their conversation flowed effortlessly, as if they were slipping back into an old rhythm. They greeted each other with warm smiles, their eyes filled with shared history. Emily couldn't help but notice the scars on Josh's soul, and she longed to understand the stories behind them.

As they sat together, sipping their drinks, they engaged in a delightful conversation. They talked about their studies, sharing stories and joking around. Laughter filled the air, blending with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It felt like the years apart had melted away.

Amidst their lively exchange, Emily gathered the courage to ask Josh about Riya. "Who is she?" she inquired, unable to contain her curiosity any longer.

Josh's expression softened, and he looked into Emily's eyes. "She's Riya," he replied, his voice tinged with sadness.

Emily sensed that there were unspoken words, but she respected Josh's boundaries. She didn't push further, although her curiosity lingered in her eyes.

Their conversation continued, flowing effortlessly like a gentle river. Emily couldn't help but ask about college, wondering why Josh was in his first year while they had been in the same class in middle school. Josh let out a deep sigh, his gaze drifting into the distance. "It's a long story," he admitted, his voice filled with a mix of weariness and strength. "But I promise, I'll tell you another day." There was a hint of mystery in his words, a promise of shared secrets and untold tales.

As the conversation turned to the upcoming freshman party, Emily gathered the courage to ask the question that had been on her mind. "Will you be going to the party?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.

Josh's eyes sparkled, and a playful smile appeared on his face. "Yes, I'll be there," he replied, matching her excitement. They made plans to meet at the party and said their goodbyes, filled with anticipation.

On the night of the freshman party, Emily found herself in a different area from Josh, as their year difference placed them in different social circles. Yet, even from a distance, she couldn't help stealing glances at him, her heart fluttering at the sight of him enjoying the lively atmosphere.

But amidst the pulsating music and laughter, an unfortunate incident occurred, casting a shadow over the joyful ambiance. Emily, unknowingly caught up in a heated argument with a senior student, felt her world crumbling. The situation escalated quickly, threatening to engulf her in fear and vulnerability.

Amidst the chaos, as panic gripped Emily's heart, Josh emerged from the crowd like a guardian angel in the night. With a determined stride, he witnessed the confrontation and recognized the urgency of the situation. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, shielding Emily from the storm.

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