Chapter 8

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Together, Emily and the cop arrived at Riya's residence, their hearts heavy with anticipation. As they stood at the doorstep, the cop took a deep breath, preparing himself for the upcoming interrogation. He rang the doorbell, and Riya answered, her appearance mirroring Emily's—dark circles under her eyes and tears staining her face. Riya was shocked to see Emily and asked, "What are you doing here?" Emily, determined and resolute, replied firmly, "I'm here to ask you why you killed Josh." Riya stood speechless and stunned, unable to find the words to respond. Sensing the tension, the cop intervened, stating that Riya was a suspect in Josh's murder case.

They entered Riya's house, and the cop took a seat at the dining table, gesturing for Riya to sit in front of him. Emily stood behind the cop, her eyes fixed on Riya, filled with a mix of accusation and curiosity. The cop began the interrogation, pressing Riya for answers. Riya, her voice trembling, denied any involvement in Josh's murder, her tears flowing freely. Emily, growing impatient, couldn't hold back any longer and shouted, "Then how do you explain your relationship with Josh? Weren't you jealous of me?" The cop raised his voice, silencing Emily, and warned her not to interrupt the interrogation.

After the brief commotion, the cop shifted the focus of the conversation back to Riya's connection to the victim. Riya started explaining, her voice filled with sorrow and regret. It was around the time when she was fifteen and Josh was fourteen that she first noticed him outside a martial arts complex, trying to register for a competition but facing rejection due to his lack of credentials. Intrigued by his determination, Riya approached him and struck up a conversation.

As Riya and Josh got to know each other, she learned that he was skilled in martial arts but lacked the resources and support to participate in official tournaments. Driven by empathy, Riya offered Josh an alternative—a chance to participate in a martial arts competition in the underground fighting scene. She explained how Street 69 in the Greenville town, known for its illicit activities, housed an underground fighting club where backgrounds and pasts didn't matter. Riya believed that this could be an opportunity for Josh to showcase his skills and earn some money.

Curious and desperate, Josh agreed to Riya's proposal. She took him to the hidden world of the underground fights, where he would have a chance to prove himself. Riya described the dangerous and illegal nature of the underground fighting circuit, emphasizing that Street 69 was infamous for its illegal activities. She explained that the fighters there didn't need to provide any background information or credentials, allowing Josh to participate despite his lack of formal training or official recognition.

Josh was in need of money and desperate, so he asked Riya to register him for a fight. Riya explained the rules to him—that there was a match for boys under 18, where the winner received $500. However, if the participant lost, they had to pay $500 within seven days or work for the club for two months. Josh agreed to participate, seeing it as an opportunity to earn a significant amount of money.

Riya registered Josh for a fight, and he entered the ring for his first match. The audience was astonished by the presence of a seemingly innocent and gentle-looking boy like Josh in such a brutal environment. His opponent was much older and heavier, with years of experience, creating an apparent disadvantage for Josh. Nevertheless, he displayed a defensive stance, defending himself against the opponent's relentless attacks. Though unable to land any effective counters, Josh's resilience and ability to endure pain without showing any signs of distress caught the attention of the crowd. It was as if he did not feel pain which he was supposed to, he was like dead inside. The cop and Emily exchanged glances, realizing the significance of this detail.

Riya noticed something else about Josh during his fights. Despite the challenging and violent nature of the matches, Josh seemed to find solace and freedom within the ring. It was as if he had escaped all his worries and found happiness in the midst of the chaos. Though Riya initially dismissed it as her imagination, she couldn't help but be intrigued by this observation.

The first match concluded with Josh fainting, exceeding the audience's expectations. When Josh regained consciousness, he found Riya and a middle-aged man named Sir X standing before him. Sir X complimented Josh on his performance and offered him a contract, promising support and financial assistance. To which Josh asked, "Will you also pay for the $500 which I have to give to my opponent?" That man laughed and said, "Yes." Josh, hesitant but desperate, signed the contract. Pop, interrupting the conversation, inquired about Sir X's identity. Riya explained that Sir X was one of the VIPs in the underground club associated with many illegal activities and that Josh had signed a five-year contract with him.

After joining Sir X's team, Josh faced defeat in subsequent matches but displayed an incredible tenacity and an ability to endure pain without reacting. Gradually, he started winning and from there he never lost, gaining recognition, and moving up to the 18+ league, where he continued to dominate his opponents. While he embraced the persona of the "Man with Dead Eyes" or "The Dead Demon," Josh remained virtuous outside the ring, refusing to indulge in drugs or any further illegal activities. Riya, having introduced him to this dark world, developed a close bond with Josh, observing his transformation firsthand.

As Riya finished recounting this part of their shared history, Emily couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—anger, sadness, and a lingering sense of betrayal. She couldn't fathom why Josh had willingly entered such a dangerous world, but she knew she needed to focus on finding his killer. Emily glanced at the cop, whose face revealed a mix of curiosity and concern. The cop said to Emily that she would be dealt with later but, for now, he would continue the investigation himself.

The cop steered the conversation towards the possibility that someone connected to the underground, referring to Sir X, might be responsible for Josh's murder. Riya confirmed that it was plausible, considering Josh's contract had ended a few months prior, and there had been disagreements between him and Sir X, who had sponsored him. Josh had expressed his desire to quit fighting, which likely led to friction between them. Emily and the cop exchanged a knowing look, realizing that this new information could be a breakthrough in the case.

The revelations left Emily and the cop with more questions than answers. The investigation had taken an intriguing turn, and the search for Josh's killer became even more intricate and challenging. As they left Riya's residence, Emily couldn't shake off the feeling that they were getting closer to uncovering the truth. Determined to bring justice to Josh's memory, she vowed to assist the cop in any way she could, no matter how perilous the path ahead might be. The cop listened attentively and appreciated her commitment but insisted that he would continue the investigation on his own.

Emily, not ready to give up, insisted that she had additional information about Josh. The cop, intrigued, asked her to share what she knew, realizing that there might still be crucial pieces to the puzzle that needed to be discovered.


Author's Note : Hey there, my awesome readers! Guess what? I've received a jaw-dropping speculation from one of my dear friends, living in the greatest city in the world. Hold on tight because this one is a doozy! The rumor mill suggests that Emily and Riya might be in a relationship and that they both had a hand in Josh's demise. Can you believe it? It's a mind-bending twist that has me on the edge of my seat. I can't help but wonder who's been leaking my scripts. But fear not, my friends, because the story has taken an electrifying turn with numerous captivating elements. So, don't miss out—keep reading until the end because we're in for an extraordinary journey. Stay tuned for more surprises, and until next time, happy reading, and keep those speculations coming!

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