Chapter 7

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The devastating news shattered Emily's world, leaving her numb and grief-stricken. She struggled to comprehend the senselessness of it all, desperately seeking answers. Her father watched in shock and concern, tears welling up in his eyes. Approaching Emily, his voice trembling with worry, he asked her what had happened. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Emily could only respond with numbness. Her father's shock grew, and he tried desperately to calm her. Eventually, Emily's grief erupted, and she began crying loudly, embracing her father tightly. Through her tears, she sobbed, "He was the man I loved, and he is not here anymore. How can this happen? Who would do this to him? And why? Didn't he already suffer enough?"

Her father was speechless, listening to the sudden explosion of words from his daughter. He held Emily tightly, unsure of how to comfort her. At that moment, he remembered that Josh was the same child whom Emily had befriended in their previous town during middle school. Although confused about their recent connection and what had transpired, he tried to understand the depth of their relationship. After Emily finished crying, she retreated to her room and locked herself inside.

Her father tried to approach her, but the room remained eerily silent. He thought giving her some space would be best for the day. In the evening, when her father asked Emily to come for dinner, she replied, "I don't want any dinner, please leave me alone." Confusion and worry consumed him as he pondered what could be happening inside. The next morning, he made another attempt to approach Emily, but the room remained completely silent. Her father grew increasingly worried about her.

In the heat of the moment, he began banging on the door and shouted, tears streaming down his face. "I will call the police! Please, Emily, open the door!" Emily's response came after she heard the word "police." She insisted that there was no need for them to be involved and that she needed some time. Her father pleaded with her to open the door, but she remained silent. Concerned for his daughter's well-being, he decided to use his connections to inquire about the progress of the case. Being a retired public service officer, he had many connections within the police and government. Remembering that Pop was leading the investigation into Josh's murder, he reached out to him.

Emily's father was familiar with Pop due to his reputation for skill and integrity in handling murder cases. They had crossed paths at various events before, and all her father could remember was Pop's serious face and his unapproachable nature. As Emily's father asked Pop about the case, the officer initially replied with apologies, stating that the information was confidential. Frustrated, Emily's father snapped, "Forget your confidentiality! I haven't seen my daughter in two days!" He quickly added an apology for his choice of words but pleaded with Pop to understand his anguish. He revealed that Emily was the victim's girlfriend, shocking Pop. The officer verified the truth, and as the reality sank in, he realized the significance of Emily's involvement. "I will come to meet your daughter," Pop said. "She is now an important suspect in the case." Taken aback by the mention of the word "suspect," Emily's father protested, refusing to allow Pop to meet his daughter. Despite the tension, Pop abruptly hung up.

An hour later, the doorbell rang—it was Pop. Emily's father tried to prevent him from entering and meeting his daughter, but Pop respectfully asserted his duty. A heated discussion ensued between them until Pop caught sight of Emily emerging from behind. Emily calmly told her father, "Let me talk to him." Her father was shocked and began crying, relieved to see his daughter after two days of darkness. Her face was pale, with dark circles under her eyes. He embraced her and insisted that she didn't have to talk to Pop, promising to handle the situation himself. However, Emily stood her ground, expressing her desire to have a conversation. Pop said, "Let me talk with the suspect," and her father interrupted, saying, "If you call her a suspect again, I will make sure you won't speak again." Emily intervened, saying, "Father, stop. Let me talk to him." Her father knew of her unwavering sense of justice, which stemmed from his own profession, but he understood that this case was different. Reluctantly, he agreed to let Emily speak with Pop.

In a separate room, Pop began questioning Emily, delving into the details of her relationship with Josh. Emily recounted every moment and interaction, her voice quivering with grief. She expressed her disbelief over Josh's murder, struggling to accept the reality that he was no longer alive. Tears streamed down her face as she spoke. Pop listened attentively, capturing every detail. Finally, he said, "Okay, I will come again if needed." Gathering herself, Emily asserted that she wanted to help in the case. Pop initially declined her offer, but Emily persisted, suggesting that she knew potential suspects and information that hadn't been addressed. Intrigued, Pop paused and reluctantly agreed to her involvement.

Emily then began providing Pop with crucial details about a person named Riya, including her appearance and an unusual connection she had with Josh. Pop realized that they needed to meet Riya, and Emily requested to accompany him. After confirming Riya's address through his station, Pop and Emily set out for Street 69, known for its notorious and criminal activities, making Emily even more convinced of Riya's involvement.

Upon arriving at Riya's home, Emily rang the doorbell. Riya answered, her appearance mirroring Emily's—dark circles under her eyes and tears staining her face. Riya was shocked to see Emily and asked, "What are you doing here?" Emily replied firmly, "I'm here to ask you why you killed Josh." Riya stood speechless and stunned. Pop intervened, stating that Riya was a suspect in Josh's murder case.



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Author's Note : Hey there, gals and bois!!! Today, I came across an interesting speculation about the fate of Josh. Someone out there suggested that Josh isn't really dead, but that his soul will take over another person's body. I must admit, I was taken aback by this revelation. Who in the world leaked my story? Share your own speculations in the comments or join the discussion on Telegram at @zhhsay. I can't wait to hear what you think. Until next time, bye!

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