Chapter 3

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As Emily's mind wandered back to her middle school days with Josh, memories began to take shape with vivid detail. It was the year 1996 when Emily's family relocated to the small town of Evergreen. At the tender age of twelve, Emily found herself amidst unfamiliar faces and a new school—an all too familiar experience due to her father's frequent job transfers.

Being the only child in her family, Emily had grown accustomed to the transient nature of their lifestyle. Each move brought a mix of excitement and sadness at leaving friends behind. Little did she know that this particular move would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey intertwined with Josh's life.

It didn't take long for Emily to notice Josh, a boy with an innocent and charming appearance. However, what struck her most was the way everyone seemed to ignore him, as if he were invisible. Curiosity mingled with a sense of injustice, leaving Emily perplexed as to why a child should endure such cruelty, especially one who had already experienced the heartbreak of losing his parents. Though her instincts urged her to help, she initially hesitated, unsure of how to intervene in the affairs of others and why she should assist someone who couldn't stand up for himself.

Yet, fate had a way of bringing kindred spirits together, and their paths crossed on the route to and from school. Unable to resist the urge to reach out, Emily approached Josh, drawn to his maturity and innocence despite the hardships he faced. As they conversed, Emily asked Josh about the reasons behind the bullying. His response revealed a sobering reality—by provoking him with derogatory terms like "orphan," the bullies knew they could goad him into reacting. This, in turn, would involve the orphanage owner, and Josh had to apologize on their behalf. To avoid causing further trouble for the already burdened orphanage, Josh silently endured the torment, resigning himself to isolation.

Emily's heart ached for Josh, and she couldn't stand idly by as he suffered. She started talking with him frequently, determined to ensure he didn't feel alone anymore. The days turned into weeks, and their friendship blossomed through shared experiences and a growing understanding. Emily became a beacon of support for Josh, a steadfast confidante who provided solace and understanding in a world that often seemed cold and unyielding.

But as their bond deepened, so did the intensity of the bullying Josh endured. The bullies, driven by a cruel desire to inflict pain, began to recognize Emily's connection to Josh as an opportunity to wound him further. They couldn't resist the temptation to see Josh left alone again, and their mentality devolved accordingly.

One fateful day, as Josh was leaving school, the bullies started to tease and eventually beat him. Fearful of the orphanage owner's involvement, Josh had remained passive until that moment. However, Emily witnessed the attack and tried to intervene. In the chaos, the bullies unknowingly pushed her to the ground, triggering something within Josh, he surrendered his mind to rationality. Overwhelmed with the desire to protect Emily, he mustered the strength to fight back.

Fighting against overwhelming odds, Josh bravely stood up to the bullies, shielding Emily from harm. Despite being outnumbered, his sheer willpower and determination to protect her amazed Emily. The bullies relentlessly attacked, but Josh refused to back down. His face turned red with the force of their punches, yet he remained standing tall, becoming a symbol of resilience.

Just as it seemed the bullies would overpower him, their science teacher happened upon the scene and swiftly intervened. Impressed by Josh's unwavering spirit, the teacher recognized an opportunity for Josh's transformation. The science teacher, a boxing enthusiast and player himself, offered Josh a chance to learn martial arts. Overwhelmed by the moment, Josh asked about the cost, concerned about burdening the orphanage. The teacher laughed, dismissing his concerns and assuring Josh that the opportunity was within reach. All that mattered was his commitment.

The next day, the science teacher reported the bullying incidents to the authorities, leading to punishment for the bullies and even the class teacher for failing to notice and address the situation. Although the teacher was unaware of the bullying, it was his responsibility to be vigilant.

From that day forward, Josh dedicated himself to learning and practicing martial arts. He threw himself into the training, immersing himself in the discipline, technique, and philosophy. It was a transformative journey that would shape his character and fortify his spirit.

Amidst it all, Emily's feelings for Josh began to evolve. Witnessing his unwavering commitment and the protective shield he placed around her, she found herself drawn to him in a way that went beyond friendship. Josh became her first crush, a person who held a special place in her heart. However, their age and circumstances kept those feelings buried beneath the surface, unexplored and unspoken.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Josh's martial arts skills flourished. He became a fast learner, driven by his relentless determination and an unyielding refusal to give up—a trait that set him apart. Emily stood by his side, supporting him every step of the way, and their bond as best friends only grew stronger.

But life had a way of throwing unexpected curveballs. One day, as Josh prepared for a crucial competition in a different town, Emily's father received an urgent call. They were required to move to a different city, and the departure was imminent. Time slipped away, and Josh didn't make it to school on their last day together. Emily, aware of their impending relocation, left a heartfelt letter for him, expressing her gratitude, admiration, and hope that their paths would cross again.

And now, as Emily reflected on those tumultuous middle school years, she couldn't help but wonder if Josh had ever received the letter she left behind. The unanswered question lingered, the unfinished chapter of their story waiting to be revisited, as fate prepared to reunite them once more.


Author's Note:

Hello Yash here, I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to all the readers who have embarked on this journey with me. I must confess that this is my first attempt at writing, and I haven't delved into the world of novels until now. However, I felt compelled to bring this story to life and share it with you all.

As a novice writer, I understand that there may be mistakes or areas where I could have improved. I kindly ask for your understanding and patience as I navigate this new creative endeavor. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valued and can be shared with me at

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter and being a part of this adventure. Your support and encouragement mean the world to me, and I hope you continue to join me as fate unravels the destinies of our beloved characters.

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