Chapter 2

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In a twist of fate, Josh happened to be passing by when he witnessed the altercation unfold. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, surprising the crowd of onlookers. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they watched a first-year student demonstrate astonishing reflexes and courage, fearlessly taking on Zack, a renowned senior known for his formidable boxing skills.

With lightning-fast movements, Josh positioned himself between Emily and Zack, instinctively shielding her from harm. His precision and agility seemed beyond his years as he deflected Zack's punches effortlessly. The audience stood in awe as Josh countered with a powerful punch that landed squarely on Zack's jaw, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious. A collective gasp of astonishment filled the air, leaving everyone bewildered as to how a newcomer like Josh had managed to defeat their school's boxing champion.

Caught in the intensity of the moment, Emily's gaze was fixed on Josh. She witnessed a fire ignite in his eyes, a stark contrast to the haunting emptiness she had seen in him previously at college. The sight triggered a sense of déjà vu, transporting her back to their middle school days when Josh had been there to rescue her. This time, he stood tall in front of her, the only difference being that the opponent was now defeated, lying motionless on the ground.

As Zack lay defeated, whispers spread through the crowd, mingling with the shocked expressions on their faces. Emily's mind whirled with a mixture of relief, gratitude, and curiosity. Josh, his concern evident on his face, interrupted her thoughts, asking if she was okay. Snapping back to the present, Emily met his gaze and nodded, a mix of emotions stirring within her.

Deciding to leave the chaotic party behind, Josh and Emily walked together, seeking solace in the tranquility of the night. Their footsteps fell in sync as they strolled side by side, the weight of their shared experiences deepening their bond. Emily couldn't contain her curiosity and admiration for Josh's newfound fighting skills. With genuine excitement and interest, she remarked, "Josh, I can't believe how much you've improved. Your fighting skills were incredible back there. Have you been training or competing in tournaments?"

A hint of sadness flickered across Josh's face, his eyes momentarily clouded with unresolved emotions. He hesitated for a moment, as if carefully choosing his words. "No, Emily, it's not like that," he replied with a touch of melancholy.

Intrigued, Emily leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me, Josh. How have you honed your skills so significantly?" Her voice held a mixture of fascination and a genuine desire to understand the depths of his journey.

Josh's gaze wandered for a moment, as if lost in a sea of memories. Then, with a hint of a secretive smile, he began to unravel his story. "I've been practicing every day, pushing myself to the limit. There's a gym I go to where I train with a coach. And, well, there have been times when I found myself in informal fights, testing my abilities against different opponents. Each encounter taught me something new."

Emily sensed the weight of unsaid words, a hidden truth that Josh hesitated to reveal. Her intuition told her that there was more to his story, a side of him that remained concealed. She respected his boundaries but couldn't help but wonder about the depths of his past and the experiences that had shaped him.

Their conversation flowed, deepening their connection with every word exchanged. But in the midst of their shared moment, Emily's attention was momentarily diverted by the sight of a girl passing by. On closer inspection, she realized it was Riya. To her surprise, Riya seemed to be purposefully ignoring both Josh and herself. A sense of unease washed over Emily as questions about Riya's relationship with Josh began to swirl in her mind.

Eventually, their walk came to an end, and Josh bid Emily goodnight as they reached her home. Left alone, Emily couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to Josh's story than he let on.

Days passed, and Emily found herself immersed in her college routine. However, it was an incident within the college walls that triggered a vivid memory of her and Josh's past. Walking through the corridors, she overheard whispered conversations and noticed the way people seemed to avoid Josh, as if he were a ghost. The realization hit her—after his altercation with Zack, the college community had started to shun him. It reminded her of the days when they both were in middle school, and Josh was an orphan facing similar treatment. Everyone in school used to ignore and ghost him. Josh and Emily had the same route for coming to school, so they naturally found each other's company, with Emily being the one who approached Josh first, taking pity on him and offering her friendship. Back then, Josh had a smile on his face, a charm like no other, but now his countenance had turned pale.

Later, when Emily and Josh crossed paths again, she couldn't help but remark on the familiarity of their situation. Josh acknowledged the similarity as well like they had similar situations in middle school and Emily was the only one who was talking with Josh but then abruptly asked, "Why did you leave town without informing me?" Emily was taken aback by the sudden question, stumbling over her words as she tried to respond. Before they could delve deeper into their conversation, a call interrupted them. It was Riya, and Josh abruptly excused himself, leaving Emily stunned and filled with questions about the enigmatic Riya and the significance she held in Josh's life. Sitting alone, Emily started remembering the memories of middle school.

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