Chapter 10

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The following night, after a long and eventful day, Emily returned home to find her father waiting for her. He had been worried sick, calling her numerous times, but her phone had died on her. Relieved to see her safe, he pulled her into a tight embrace. There was a visible worry etched on his face as he expressed his concern.

"Sorry, Dad," Emily uttered, her voice filled with remorse. "I didn't know what to do. I'm really sorry."

Her father's voice softened as he reassured her, "It's alright, my princess." The air grew heavy with an awkward silence for a moment before Emily retreated to her room. Her father had so many questions, but he sensed that now wasn't the best time to ask.

In her room, Emily reached for her phone and dialed Pop's number, determined to take action. She informed him of their plan to visit the elderly home, sharing the new details she had discovered about Sir X's true nature and the events involving him and Josh. The detective assured her that he would join them in the morning, ready to uncover the truth. With newfound resolve burning in her heart, Emily shared the unfolding events with her father, leaving him shocked and speechless. He murmured, "How can a man be so strong, yet dead inside?" It was a poetic question that captured his mixed emotions. Nonetheless, he supported his daughter's wish to find the culprit and urged her to take care of herself.

The following morning, Pop arrived at Emily's house, ready for their visit to the elderly home. Emily waited outside as she received a call from Riya, who inquired about the progress of the investigation. Riya had also managed to uncover the whereabouts of Sir X, adding a glimmer of hope to their quest for justice. Excitement filled Emily's voice as she invited Riya to join them on their journey.

As Emily ended the call, Pop emerged from the elderly home, his forehead glistening with beads of sweat. Before Emily could inquire about what had transpired inside, Pop's phone rang, cutting through the air. It was a call from the police station, delivering swift news— the murderer had turned himself in and was currently under police custody. Pop's behavior was peculiar as he simply said, "Okay," and hung up. He shared the information with Emily, who experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, feeling a mixture of relief and anger. Pop suggested they head to the station and swiftly made his way to the car park to retrieve his vehicle. In the meantime, Emily called Riya and informed her that they had found Sir X at the police station. Riya was both shocked and relieved, finally believing that justice might be served. Determined, she promised to join them immediately.

When Riya reached the parking lot, she discovered that Pop had already left. Curiosity piqued, she couldn't help but notice his unusual behavior, sensing that he was hiding something. Trusting her instincts, Riya decided to head to the station alone, eager to unravel the mysteries that lay ahead.

Upon arriving at the station, Emily inquired about Pop's whereabouts. The officers informed her that he was in the interrogation room. Emily, unable to enter the room, stood outside anxiously. As her eyes scanned the surroundings, they fell upon a man in his mid-50s, bearing a striking resemblance to Sir X. Tears welled up in her eyes as she grappled with the weight of Josh's loss, questioning the motives behind such a senseless act. Emily's heart ached as she waited for the interrogation to conclude, hoping for answers.

Moments later, Riya arrived at the station and saw Emily in tears. Without hesitation, she rushed to her side and enveloped her in a comforting hug. "Everything is going to be okay," Riya reassured her, though uncertainty lingered in the air. The two friends glanced at each other, seeking answers. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, they walked towards the interrogation room. Riya's face turned pale as she stared at the man seated inside. "Are you sure that's the murderer?" she whispered, disbelief coloring her voice. "He's not Sir X."

Emily was equally stunned by Riya's revelation. Confusion clouded their minds as they sat down, grappling with the sudden turn of events. Moments later, Pop emerged from the interrogation room, his expression still shrouded in an enigmatic veil. Riya confronted him, unable to comprehend why the man they had just seen wasn't Sir X. Pop's response left them both speechless.

"He is indeed the murderer," Pop affirmed. "But he is not Sir X."

The revelation struck Riya like a bolt of lightning, and tears welled up in Emily's eyes once again. In a trembling voice, Emily asked the question that haunted her, "Why did he kill Josh?"

Pop took a deep breath, his gaze filled with a mix of sorrow and sadness. "His name is Mark," he said, finally revealing the truth behind the murder of Josh. The room fell into a heavy silence, as the weight of the revelation settled upon them.

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