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Dark eyes.
Dark hair.
Black soul.

That's Nicoli in a few words. His soul is almost as black as his hair almost as scary as his storm colored eyes almost but maybe not quit.

Nothing is scarier than those grey soulless eyes that stare straight  into your mind and body and always seem to find you lacking, finding you less than.

Ever since that day 9 years ago I'd kept my distance knowing mother and father had already decided my fate when it came to him. I'd marry him at the ripe age of 18. I of course had no say in the matter because why oh why would it matter to me huh? Maybe because I'd be the one living and eating and sleeping with that fucker. I won't apologize for my hate or my language every time mother or father has heard me speak ill of the oh so beloved Nicoli I'd been reprimanded and I was sick of it sick of him.

His face.
His laugh.
His beautiful eyes.
Scratch that his disgusting dark grey gates to hell.
Yes that's it.
Where was I? Right he is ugly. On the inside which makes him ugly on the outside.

He deserved all this hate and more I can't stand to look at him let alone touch or even breath the same air as him. He was nothing and yet everything to me. Everything in the sense that I hate him with my whole soul and then some.

I was sweet kind even though you wouldn't believe it if you met me now but before, before he.... No! I won't go there he's nothing, no one, a disgrace to humanity, the lowest of low, the bottom on the food chain. The last one might of been a lie. A delusion I wish were true but sadly it isn't he's at the very top of it which is exactly why my parents made the deal with his now deceased parents for me or rather my family name. We might not be at the top of the food chain like Nicoli Moretti but we're pretty high up there. Valintino my families last name was third place in the line of power. And there for a daughter from such last name would do for a Moretti. As his mother had put it all those years ago when the deal has been struck. Struck is the right word because that was what it did it stuck and shattered my innocence my soul and my childhood from that day on words I had to act breathe and sleep like a future Moretti and god has it been exhausting so fucking exhausting so unbearably draining.

Now back to my earlier rant. Nicoli Moretti is a monster so why oh why are my parents shipping me off to live with such a man? I wondered the same thing other than the power and connection that would be provided to my family if I were to become a Moretti through marriage I can't see any other pros to this arrangement at least none that would benefit me. But who cares right? I'm only the one who has to spend the rest of my life with this freak.

That's what he was a sadistic fuck and freak of nature a fucking monster. Monster, Moretti= same thing to me at least. My parents would highly disgrace though they have this distorted and delusional notion that Nicoli Moretti is the best thing that ever happened to them the mere fact that the Moretti's had graced us with their presence and their eldest son well that was a gift from god as my mother put it. She said there was no better than a Moretti and not only any Moretti. No, Nicoli Moretti the highest of all the Moretti's currently alive. New Yorks gang leader. That's what I call it my mom says I'm wrong to say such a thing he's much more and not to lower him to such a mundane title but that is exactly what he was what we were gang families we might've been unimaginably rich for mere gang members/ families but I think the title still fits best what else would you call us?

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