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"Are you sure you wanna do this tori?" Lorenzo says for what feels like the hundredth time.

I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know if I get caught I'll be in so much trouble. I know that mom and dad will probably ground me for the whole rest of my senior year. I know all this and I don't care. I don't care because I have always cared, have always kept up the image I need to. The respectable, silent, put together fiancé of Nicoli Moretti. Someone worth the title. Someone I don't wanna be. Someone I can't not be because it's what I was born to do whether it's Nicoli or another man it's all the same all my end game. So I do as I'm told but for once I wanna experience the teenage life the part is the drinks the fun.
"Yes" I say

I'm not the most social I'm liked I'm envied. Some consider me a bitch maybe I am I don't really care about others about anything. Not in a I wanna die way but in a nothing bothers me nothing but him. We'll I'm trying to get passed that trying to feel nothing for him to be numb about him like I'm numb about everyone else. Some people think it's because I see myself as better than them the way I act they mean but it's not. I don't like people the ones I do are rare but I keep them close they see the real me I care about them so I'm not numb I'm not quite around them not guarded or antisocial.

If I don't need a social battery to be around you you'd be a rare person a family member or my best friend that's what Amilia and Lorenzo are my best friend and family friends their father and my father are the closest thing I think my dad has to a best friend at least. Amilia and Lorenzo are twins they were born 4 months before me Lorenzo being born before Amilia by 3 minutes.

I sit at my vanity applying my signature Smokey eye. I like to stick to safe things like my Smokey eyes it's always flattering so why change it up? My eyes are brownish green I truly don't know why they change so much I have hazel eyes which I guess is my answer sometimes they are too green to have ever been brown and then the next second they are too brown to have ever been anything lighter. It's odd it's irregular and sporadic  so random so bipolar kind of like me.

I have been told I have anger issues that I'm a "narcissist"and "don't feel". But the truth is I do feel I feel so much that it scares me I feel so much that I know it'll scare away anyone who gets close to me so I hide it behind an unfeeling unmoving mask a neutral and default setting a off switch. I feel but I choose to compose it to only show it to those I trust it keeps me safe and respected and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I finish off the makeup look with dark red lipstick and stand going into my walk in closet to get my perfectly ironed outfit for tonight's welcome back party. Summer was gonna be over in exactly 24 hours and I wanted to kick off my senior year of high school with a bang. The fit is simple let extra my favorite type of outfit something that draws attention but in a calm way. Also it was black my favorite color right beside red. It's simple with a black tight cropped turtle neck and denim shorts with sheer black tights that had a single sold black line on the back of them adding a little something interesting for when I walked away from whatever boring conversation Lorenzo will most definitely try to drag me into. I keep my dark hair straight opting for big statement studs and a delicate Swarovski necklace. I decided last minute to wipe the red lipstick after getting dressed changing it to a simple brown nude with clear gloss on top.

"Let's go" I tell Lorenzo

He's on his phone he opted to wear a black long sleeve button up and black slacks. Men. Life must be so simple for them so simple indeed.

"I parked at you guys's back door." Lorenzo says finally getting his ass off my bed and heading towards my closed bedroom door to escort me out like a older brother. That's what he is my best friend and brother by heart not by blood. Some might say that to be more familial then actual blood I would agree.Amilia and said she'd meet us there since she would be running late do to her track practice they always start practice before the school year even starts. I quickly grab small black purse and put my phone, lip gloss, lipstick and hurry to my black ballet flats I would of put my sneakers on but I couldn't find the ones that would've matched my fit and heels would've been too much which this outfit.

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