Chapter 2

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I tell Leo to park out front and I contemplate what to do I can't go in dressed like this at 12 in the morning. Fuck think quick Victoria.

"I can't go in dressed like this Leo when dad has a visitor this late." I say a hint of panic in my voice.

"Mm let me think....." he reached back into his back seat and pulls out his gym bag he unzips it and pulls out a simple black hoodie.

I thanks him and hug the shit out of him before pulling it on the make up is still  and issue but it's okay my dad always thinks I'm emo so this shouldn't be a Surprising to him. I exit the car close the car door and straighten Lorenzo waves before speeding off to his house which is only 5 minutes away by foot. The hoodie is his size so it's big on me reaching my mid thigh I sigh accepting I look a mess and that's okay at least I don't look like a hooker walking in late at night. I use the extra keys to the front door and enter it's quite at first then I notice my dads study door open as I try to walk quickly and quietly upstairs which turns out not to be in my favor considering my dad sees me anyways fuck my life why did the study door have to be open.

The guards standing outside his door should've been an indication this was not just any normal visitor but I was too consumed but trying to keep quite  and didn't notice.

"Victoria come in I didnt expect you to be awake at this hour." My dad says from his seat inside the study.

Fuck fuck fuck doubly triple quadruple fuck. "At this hour" tf does that mean it's only 12 he's probably saying that so whoever is sitting with him doesnt think I'm a hoe who goes out late at night I usually don't not that dad cares much at all.

I walk through not looking up as I check my phone Amilia left the party and is on her way home I text her that I'm home and to drive safe she didn't drink that much Lorenzo on the other hand really shouldn't be drinking like that when he has to take me home. I totally forgot about that facts.

"I was just with Lorenzo and Amilia and couple other friends I explain." Even though he didn't ask. My explanation is more for his guest.

As I look up I smile at dad I haven't seen him in days he's been locked up in his study with some important work I know nothing about he never talks work with us. Not because we're women no because he doesn't want us to hold the burden of know what he truly does. It does little to no good I still know the gist of it. What can I say I'm a curious person.

I smile at Dante and Angelo my dads most trusted body guards and then my smile quickly slips into my well manicured mask that of indifference and annoyance as I see the late night visitor my dad has.

Nicoli Moretti. The cancer in my life. The billet lodge into my head the cause of my anger and frustration. The only thing I am not numb too. The fucker rilles me up like no other by just existing and it pisses me off. Why cnat I just feel nothing for him? I hate him yes but why can't I just not give a fuck. It would make my like so much more peaceful if that were the case.

Nicoli says nothing just looks at me with those calculating storm eyes and unreadable expressions on his face. He's also mastered the nothing face as I like to call it the mask I usually try to keep up and pass every time except today my eyes give away my anger. How dare he come to my house and ruin my mood by existing. I fucking hate him so much.

"Ah yes the twins how are they." my dad says

"Good." I reply

"Vicky, Nicoli here has come to um state some rules you could say since your wedding is only a few months away."

Fuck fuck that's right I was dreading this day. The last time he came to my father about the engagement it was 4 years ago when he had given me his family wedding ring passed down by his mother. I had um accidentally left it in the box he had stored it in my room and never put it on again after he left because imagine me at the ripe age of 13 wearing a wedding ring. Hello no.

Nicoli doesn't even wait for my reply as he states. " you shouldn't be out this late looking like that with other men it's not good for my image."

"Your image?" "Also what other men?"


"My best friend?" I laugh  " Nicoli I will not stop seeing my best friend and twin to my other best friend Amilia. I was not with some strange man of no honor so don't make it sound that way I've done nothing but keep this image good where you on the other hand haven't changed anything about your lifestyle at least not drastically like me." I say calmly almost bored and like I'm explaining the basics to a child even though I feel anything but calm on the inside I will not give him a reaction he doesn't deserve it he's not worth my energy.

"Same thing. On to the other things as for the makeup it's not a good look on you change it up okay? Simple will do maybe even none. As for the ring where is it?"

The fucker narrows his eyes like I'm suspicious tf is wrong with him.

"Upstairs." I state bored looking at my nails. I am bored and tired and maybe a little tipsy not really but not 100% here yk.

"Why is it there and not on your finger?" He questions he doenst even try to act like he cares this is just a business transaction for him.

"Because I didn't want to loose it I was studying." I lie. Since when do I study. He won't know that though he knows little to nothing about me.

"Mhm well now that you are back home where it hopefully wont be lost put it back on. As for the other things I'll text them to you. Give me your phone." My phone?? Fuck I didn't clear shit out

It's been years since my parents did there weekly phone checks so I lost my ability to hide shit on it fuck. I pause as if processing what he said then I remind myself not to act suspicious and nod opening my ohoen and sliding up on all the tabs then hand it to him hoping he doesn't go snooping because he will definitely find thinks he won't like.

He grabs it clicks onto a app I can see from this angle screw my privacy screen protecter when I first got it I never thought it would be used against me as it is now. I sit there and pray to god hoping he won't see anything incriminating.

To be honest with you I didn't even know this old fuck had social media. He's what 24? He presses a few things than hands it back.

"I put my number on there under my full name call if it's an emergency as for your social media which ones do you have?"

I click my phone closed relieved he didn't go snooping. And frown at his words tf does he mean.

"Umm all of them."

"Are they public?" He questions a stone mask set in place

"No." That was only because I'm a very private person.

"Good who do you have on it." He asks tf does he think he is

"Uh people I know."

"Who do you know." Huh

"My friends from school mostly." I say

"Aha I'll double check that later as for now put the ring on other than that you can leave."He says

Does he think he is excusing me? I give him a disgusted look. I can't help it I needed to at least do that. 

I stand and go over to dads chair at the head of the table to hug him goodnight.

"Good night dad." I say as I walk to exit the room not once looking at the man in the other chair.

"Good night princess. Have a good first day of school."

I smile leaving the door as open as it was when I entered heading upstairs thinking about  wiping this makeup off, packing my bag and passing the fuck out.

I do just that.

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