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Yesterday was my birthday. I had spent it with my family and Amilia and Lorenzo. Today was my engagement party Nicoli had refused to have it a day Earlier as I was 17 before and it was clearly against his moral compass. I didn't know he even had one but I guess there's a first time for everything.

I had decided to leave my hair in soft waves and have minimal makeup. I opted for a cream colored two piece set. Simple and mature so not my style but it looked good on me so I didn't really mind.

I hadn't seen Nicoli since that night when he berated me for not having eaten since then I'd made sure to be on top of it. Eating a full three meals and sticking to challenging myself in other areas of my life. Not because he asked me to of course not no because I really hated being weak and dizzy.

Dad said Nicoli would meet us at the venue and I didn't really care I just wanted to get this over with so I could go call Amilia she and hinted at something concerning her family yesterday when I questioned her on why she looked so pale. But she didn't wanna "ruin" my birthday so she said she'd tell me today after my engagement.

As the car stoped at the back entrance of the venue I could only assume it was because of the cameras and people waiting at the front my father hated the media attention as much as me. Mom and dad got out the car in front of me two of his bodyguards who had accompanied him coming out at the same time. Enzo got out of the drivers seat and opened my door he was assigned to me officially a few month as ago. Proving to be a valuable guard in his short months at my fathers side.

I thanked him and exited the car walking with my parents as the guards followed two in front and Enzo at the back my little brother had stayed home since he had caught the flu.

As we entered we walked up a staircase lead up to  a set of huge double doors. The two men at the opposite sides of the door reached to open it to announce our arrival but my father held up a had. Couldn't enter without dear Nicoli no could I. Two long minutes later I heard footsteps.

"Good evening Mr. & Mrs. Valentino." Nicoli said in a gental almost friendly way. I say almost because I know him and I know he feels no such emotion.

"Good evening son." My father says.

Son? Are you kidding me. They loved this fucker more than their actual children for fucks sake.

My father gestures for the men to open the doors and they announcer announces their names.

They then close the doors. I turn knowing I have to acknowledge this fuckers presence seeing as this was our engagement party. We would have to act like and in love couple. The key word being act. As much as I dreaded such a thing I was a great actress or so I've been told so although my personal reluctance I would do my part. As I always had unhappily all be it but it would be done none the less.

"Victoria you look lovely." Nicoli said.

Staring up at his infuriating grey eyes I felt nothing but hate. When I was younger I was happy all be it a bit nervous but I was happy about it. I liked Nicoli maybe if I hadn't been there when he was talking to his cousin and younger brother I wouldnve loved him. I know I could've. The only thing stoping me was my hate. And for valid reasons. I trusted him even though I didn't know him. I thought him beautiful in a gentle way. But there was nothing gentle  about Nicoli Moretti. He would've of had me completely and happily that was how I was. I was kind gentle and trusting once. But I grew up and thank god for it. People didn't think like I didn't didn't care and love like me. So I had to adapt and change to keep myself and heart safe.

"Thank you." I said simple as I turned to the double doors and nodded at the blonde guard to the right of me. Gesturing for him to open the doors.

Nicoli stepped close to me I grabbed onto his harm like a loving fiancé. Nicoli nodded and plastered a smile to his face. A fake smile but they wouldn't be able to tell. No, it seemed I was the only one who could look through his fake facade he was not what he seemed and I hated him for it, because I'd once fallen for it came back to bite me in the ass. Hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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