{Chapter 61}

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Chapter 61

(Sasaki Haise)

We all gathered at the rest room and once all of the guests have already gone out, the lights went back as they were fixed. It was still noisy outside of the grand hall which made me assume that they're all there. The police men and the Ghoul investigators started examining and investigating the corpse.

"What's going on?" Aburano-san's wife asked, approaching us.

"I'm afraid.. You wouldn't want to see this." Shimoguchi-san stood in front of her to cover the dead body of her husband.

"I need to see it." She demanded.

"Shomoguchi." Washuu-san placed his hand over Shimoguchi-san's shoulder. "Let her see it. She needs to know the truth."

Shimoguchi-san nodded in agreement as he stepped aside, letting Aburano-san's wife and the staff see what was going on in the restroom. The staff's were all startled as they see the corpse of Aburano-san brutally murdered.

When Aburano-san's wife came, her eyes widened as she gasped in shock. She put her hands over her mouth, her eyes filling with tears.

"M-My husband..!" She attempted to go to the dead body but, Akira stopped her. "No! Why would someone do this?!"

She screamed, cried and grieved for the death of her beloved husband. Seeing her act like this is heart breaking.. If that happens to me, I'd feel so devastated.

Akira asked her subordinate to take her home and made sure that none of her kids will see this.

Suddenly, Saijyo-san's current situation popped inside my head. She's must be outside.. I have the responsibility to take care of her since I was the one who asked her to be my partner. I can't get away right now since we have work to do.

"Mutsuki." I called him.

He walked towards me with a quite anxious look on his face, probably from seeing the corpse and Aburano-san's wife.

"I want you to take Saijyo-san back to her house. She's probably outside. I don't want her to go home all by herself at this time.. It's dangerous especially for girls like her." I said. "Don't worry, I'll excuse you."

"Okay, sure." He nodded and walked towards the exit.

I hope she's okay..

"Okay, based on what we've seen, I think we have what happened with the murder scene." The police man said. "The cause of death was blood loss."

"As we can see, the carotid artery was severed and the heart was also pierced. Seeing the location of the deep laceration in the carotid artery, I assume that the murder stood at the back of the victim, placed this table napkin over his mouth and slashed his neck using her left hand. There could be other positions but, I doubt the criminal will resort to any difficult position to kill his target." The police explained.

"We have a pretty good idea of who this criminal is." Washuu-san said while crossing his arms. "That would be the SS rank Ghoul called Rose."

"Oh, I see. A Ghoul, huh.. If I assume, the criminal is about 160cm as to why she can get a perfect cut on the carotid artery. And seeing how deep the laceration is, she's probably left handed." The police stated.

"I don't think she's only about 160cm." Urie said. "I already fought with her and she looks a bit taller for 160cm."

"Everyone!" Shirazu suddenly appeared from the back entrance, wheezing and panting. Probably from running at a fast speed. "I was making my way toward this place when I heard a loud bangings in the locker room. Please come with me!"

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