{Chapter 137}

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Chapter 137

(Sasaki Haise)

As I walked into the room, my heart began pounding loudly inside my chest. I gulped the huge lump of fear in my throat and decided to enter.

There I saw Yukari holding a very satisfied smile with her eyes burning with passion as she cradled two beautiful bundles in her arms. I couldn't help but shed tears the moment I set my eyes on her and the newborn babies.

Yukari caught me from her vision and she wore such a big smile of joy with tears running down her cheeks.

"It's a twin..!" She enthusiastically said.

I approached her, my hands shivering in excitement. As I reached her, she gave me our two sons and I gently held them in my arms. My tears rivered down from my eyes as my happiness burst inside me.

"I-I'm finally a father..!" I exclaimed, whimpering in joy.

Yukari smiled contently at me as I cradled my sons in my arms.

"Let's give them a name that starts with 'Yu' so that it resembled your name." I said to her.

"No.. I want it to start with 'Ken' meaning strong so, they would become like you.." She said whilst giving them loving eyes. "And also, I want to remember them as Ken whom I love as well."

"But, I want them to sound like your name." I protested.

"No, I want them to sound like your name." She protested back. "Give it up, my idea sounds better."

"Alright, couple. Don't start bickering here especially when it's the happiest day in your life." Touka said as she was snickering beside Yukari.

I made a sigh of defeat and just smiled at her since I didn't want to exhaust her any further.

"You win." I said, chuckling.

As we both stared into our twins, we noticed that the first born son has black hair and the second one has a brown hair and both of them greatly resembles my facial features.

"Well then, let's name them Kenshiro the one with black hair Kenshiro meaning strong and innocence and the other one Kenjiro meaning strong and fierce." Yukari enthusiastically said. "No objections allowed."

Despite being exhausted from labor, she seemed to have a lot of energy when she finally gave birth to our sons which is really cute of her. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and smiled.

"No problem, I won't object." I said.

"Great..!" She exclaimed, wearing a big smile.

She held the babies in her arms and I embraced her tightly because I couldn't contain my happiness any longer.

"Together we will raise them.." I whispered. "And become a one big happy family.."

She kept silent and just held our twins in her arms gently as she savored the precious moment.

(Kirishima Touka)

I left the room, seeing them happy together with their newborn twins. I'm very happy for them. Finally they have a family now which is really nice because they suffered so much troubles.

I'm glad they have kept themselves away from battles and other problems so that their sons could grow with a complete and loving family.

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