{Chapter 65}

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Chapter 65

(Fuegichi Hinami)

Processing what Tatara-san had said into my head, I realized that Eye-patch is the mentor of a certain squad in CCG. Which means, onii-chan is alive..?

Onii-chan is still alive?!

Realizing that, I jumped out from my sitting position and started feeling uneasy.

B-But how..? Onee-chan witnessed how he was dead. She couldn't even get over him until now. She may smile and act gleeful but, deep inside she still remembers him. But, wait! That's not what it matters..!

Onii-chan is alive which means, onee-chan and onii-chan can come back together! Onee-chan will not suffer anymore! She will be happy if she hears about this! And, I will also get to see him! He will finally be back again!

Where could he be-

Ceasing myself from thinking of that, I put my chin in between my thumb and index finger as I began to ponder.

That's right.. Onii-chan is.. the mentor of a particular squad in CCG.. Why? Onii-chan is a Ghoul and Ghoul investigators fight them.. Why is onii-chan siding with them..?

I don't understand..

"Damn it!" A voice shouted out of clear frustration.

I suddenly heard a loud thud outside of my room like someone just punched the wall. That voice is.. Ayato's. What happened to him..?

"Why is that guy.. still alive..? Moreover, he's in 20th ward..!" I heard him mumbling to himself angrily. "If Yukari hears about this.."

Eh..? He wasn't planning on telling onee-chan? Ayato, you..! I balled my hands into fists out of anger.

"She'll surely leave me.." His voice toned down into grave sadness.

Hearing that made me hesitate a bit. I almost forgot.. Onee-chan is dating Ayato. If I were to tell onee-chan, Ayato will be sad and be left alone. Ayato is.. also an important friend of mine.. He saved me countless times in battle and he has helped me a lot of times..

I won't know what to do if Ayato is sad.. I've never seen him act like that before so.. I have no idea how to comfort him. But, nonetheless, I will tell onee-chan.

Telling onee-chan about onii-chan might be the key to end her suffering.. Whatever her decision is, I'll respect it and support it. Whether she ends up in Aogiri with Ayato or in CCG with onii-chan..

(Seijo Yukari)

Watching the dead man's body fall into the ground right after I stabbed him in the chest, I put the knife back into my big coat. The warehouse was filled with the horrible copper scent of fresh blood as they were just killed a few minutes ago. Of course, by me.

Just as Tatara-chin ordered me to do, I poured gasoline all over the place, the liquid mixing with the blood on the floor. I sparked a lighter and threw it right on the carcass of one of my targets. As soon as the fire ignited, I turned around and casually walked to leave.

I dialed Tatara-chin's number and called him. On the other side of the line, he picked up.

Me: I just finished the job. Now, can I go home?

Tatara-chin: Well done but you can't. You still have more.

Me: Damn it.

Tatara-chin: I'll send the next job to you. Keep alarmed.

He hanged up soon, leaving me clicking my tongue in irritation as I shoved my phone into my pocket. Okay, this is really annoying. It's already dark.. I need to find somewhere to sleep and to rest.

I was walking in the dark streets with the moonlight providing me with gleam until, all of a sudden, I felt someone's presence just behind me. Feeling that, I continued walking. Someone's following me..

As I approach an alley, I thought of a plan to make a turn towards it. With me turning to that direction, I decided to face the mysterious person myself.

When I reached the end of the alley, I stopped and turned around but found no one. Nonetheless, I still felt the ominous presence lurking in the shadows. I'm sure that he has to be here..

In a blink of an eye, I felt a swift gushed of wind, making me react to counter it by pulling my blades from my coat and slightly moving to the right to hit it without scratching me. The blades clashed against the weapon that attacked me.

The blade of my knives suddenly cracked and fell off. It was only then that I realized that I was attacked by a kagune. A kagune that slightly resembles a serpent.

When the surprise attack was finished, I went to my fighting stance, pulled more blades out and prepared for another attack. Then, I heard a chuckle from the shadows in front of me as I hear the person approaching me, his shoes clacking against the ground.

"Phew~ If it had been something worse, my kagune would have been cut off." A deep man's voice spoke.

As the light finally shone on him, I saw a man wearing a mask that looks like a snake with a hood over his head.

"Too bad it was just an ordinary knife." He said. "Good evening, Rose."

A frown appeared on my face as I meet the Ghoul in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The sound of his voice slightly rang something into my head like it was something I heard before.

"Just a mere hunting Ghoul passing by." He answered. "But, the doves call me Serpent."

Serpent.. the S ranked Ghoul who was reported to have been cannibalizing. He's currently active and is proving to be dangerous as the days increases of him not getting caught by CCG.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much." He answered. "I just want my dinner."

His killing intent rose to the air, but it didn't make me feel intimidated, not at least a bit. I snorted as a menacing grin spread across my face. This guy sounding quite confident.. But, somehow I get the feeling that I've already talked to him before.

"So, basically, you want to eat me. Is that correct?" I asked, smirking.

"Obviously." He replied, tilting his head to the side slightly as he had his hands in his pockets.

"Perfect." I exclaimed.

I narrowed my eyes as the evil smirk creeps on my lips, my dark miasma gradually spreading out of me. My heart started throbbing strongly as there was a flash of stinging pain in my head. But, none of that matters as the excitement rises in me.

It's been a while since I've played with a Ghoul. And it's also been a long time since I've drank a Ghoul's blood. Also, him being a bit nostalgic to me is filling me with curiosity. This'll be awesome..

I'll drink his blood and reveal his face so, I can see who he really is. If he appears to be some Ghoul I failed to kill before then, this the perfect chance to eliminate him permanently.

Well then, let's make this quick.

I cracked my knuckles as I prepared myself for combat.

End of Chapter 70

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