Chapter forteen: Celina

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"Before we begin opening your powers, we must first connect you to your soul." Mr.Yang simply states, pacing beside me as if I only merely exist.

"Connect me to my soul? Am I not already connected to it sir?" I ask, hoping he will at last answer me.

"Why of course you are! It is how you are alive, but you dear are vaguely connected to your life source." His words sting. For I vowed to sacrifice my soul, and now a man I just met is telling me I am not even connected to it.

Yet, if I am not connected to it, then how can I sacrifice it? "Sir- Mr.Yang- how am I only vaguely connected to my soul?"

"Well dear, you see, your soul is part of many things. It connects not only to your life, but also to your fears, your grieves, your burdens, your earthly attachments. And you have not opened yourself up to them. Yet." A small smile creeps upon his lips.

"So Miss Arthmer, today we connect you to your soul. By using a well known method. The opening of the 7 chakras." His words seem so simple. Although I hardly understand them. Never in my life have I heard of 'charkas', let alone the connecting of a soul.

"Mr.Yang. . .may we begin?" I ask quietly, suddenly breaking the silence that had somehow engulfed us.

"Shush child! To connect with your soul you sit in silence and listen to my instructions. Is that clear Miss Arthmer?" His voice is much hasher than before. His pacing comes to end as he glares me, only to turn away as soon as I nod in agreement. "Very well."

After this quick out burst of his I place myself between the two small waterfalls. Quickly falling into a meditating position. My legs nearly crossed over each other, my hands in fists, each only slightly touching the other.

Mr.Yang sighs in the slightest, only to clear his throat and finally begin the process of connecting me to my soul. "First we will open the earth chakra, it is located at the base of the spine. It deals with survival, and is blocked by fear. What are you most afraid of child?"

I am afraid I will let the world down. That I will not be able to help my world in its time of need. "Let your fears go. For fear is an illusion of the mind, keeping you from the possible, it has no power over you." I do as he asks of me. I let my fears go.

"Next is the water chakra, this chakra deals with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. Now look at all the guilt which burdens you so. What do you blame yourself for?"

I blame myself for my fathers death. Even if I was only five at the time. I blame myself for the start of our worlds fall. "Now again. Let it go." So I let it go.

"Third in line is the fire chakra, located in the stomach. This chakra deals with power and is blocked by shame. What are your biggest disappointments in yourself?"

Disappointments in myself? Perhaps the fact I left my mother. After receiving the letter from Esprit I just ran off. Not even wishing her goodbye. "Once again, I would like you to let these disappointments go." And again I do.

"The fourth chakra is located in the heart. It deals with love and is blocked by grief. Lay all your grief in front of you child. For you have indeed felt a great loss, yet love is a form of energy. And it swirls all around us." His words bring a tear to my eye, and I slowly wipe is away before we continue.

"Fifth in line is the sound chakra, located in the throat. It deals with truth and is blocked by lies. The lies we tell ourselves. You cannot lie about your own nature. What lies have you told yourself?"

The lie that I am not needed in this world. That I will never make a difference to this world. Although that is a great lie. For I am the most powerful person on this world besides Samson. And without being told, I let the lies go. For they are not important.

"The sixth pool of energy is the light chakra, located in the center of the forehead. It deals with insight, and is blocked by illusion. The greatest illusion in the world, is the illusion of separation. Things you think are different and separate are actually one in the same. We are all one people Celina."

Then that means Samson and I are not all the different. That quite honestly we are two halves of the same whole. That we need each other, for we are connected as well.

"The final chakra is located at the crown of the head. It deal with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachments. Meditate on what attracts you to this world of ours. And then let those attachments go."

The first thought to come into my mind is Samson, followed by my love for both the water and the moon. The last two are easy to let go, although letting him go is much harder. When did I get this sudden attraction to him? It does not matter now, I just need to let him go. So I do.

"Very well dear, you have opened all your chakras and have connected yourself to your soul. Do you feel any different?"

"Ah yes I do." I have opened my eyes now. "I feel. . .lighter almost. Like letting those things go opened me up. Yet I also feel whole, and powerful." A small smile creeps on both my lips and his.

"Wonderful. I will see you tomorrow. Then we will begin your real training." He walks over to the door, opening it for me.

"Yes. . .tomorrow. See you then Mr.Yang!" And with that I walk out. Feeling like a whole new person.

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