Chapter 2: Life Note

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Observing the interaction between Ryuk and Light, Momonga became bored, so he teleported himself into the skies while applying <Invisibility> and <Fly> to himself.

The skies were still blue, the clouds were white, there were many people walking around, moving as if ants were looking for food for their queen.

In his last life, Momonga was like this too, this was the norm of any society. There will always be classes, otherwise what is the point in trying to improve? Everyone is trying to be better than each other. If everyone was the same, society would stagnate.

Appearing in the skies, Momonga wondered what he should do? He could experience the wonders of this world or see if this world and his old one was one and the same. If it was, he could find his mother and protect her, however observing the technology of this world, although surface level, it was clear that this world was nowhere near his old world, he also doubted it was the past of his original world.

There are other things he could do. The first is to find someone to hold his book and use it. However, he would be forced to follow this person for however long they may live, which even though he was immortal was not something he was too fond of. So maybe he should make a rule that the owner of his book will die a year after using it, if they don't give the book to someone else or return it within a week of obtaining it? He could also go a different route than being a Shinigami, especially since he was not a Shinigami.

He could become God, he could become the Devil, he could be whatever he wanted, the only thing limiting him was himself.

Secondly, he could see if he could surpass level 100 and the outcome. Would he gain a new class or race change?

There was one last thing he could try, and that is finding out why Heaven and Hell didn't exist and the reason behind the Shinigamis existence.

They had to appear from somewhere, since they are not of the same level of existence like humans. They had accomplished one of the two aspects to reach the level of universal creatures, which is Immortality and Time, of which they already partially accomplish the Immortality aspect.

Looking up at the channels that apparently only he could see, Momonga thought for a minute before stepping through one of the channels.

Instead of falling like expected, he felt a sense of weightlessness, as if he was flying in the skies.

When Momonga came to, he was inside a world like the Shinigami Realm. In this world, there was nothing but ruins, debris, and corpses. This world was lifeless with a gray and ominous undertone.

The skies were pitch black with no light, however since Momonga was an undead, darkness was not a problem for him, making the world as clear as day in his eyes.

"Does each channel lead to a world like this? If so, there would be over a thousand from what I saw. Why are they in ruins or is it just this one? Could the Shinigamis be behind this? However, what about the corpses of the animals? Shinigamis can't kill anything that isn't human or was this a rule that was made to prevent such an event."

Momonga left the channel and went into another one, only to be obstructed by some kind of barrier. Behind the barrier, Momonga could vaguely see a world just like the Human World, however when he tried to teleport to it, his spell failed.

Pondering for a second, Momonga tried to enter the other channels and was blocked by a barrier. Behind each barrier Momonga could see worlds of life.

Returning to the world that didn't obstruct him, Momonga collected the skeletons of the creatures he came across into his inventory, before using a <Super Tier spell: Creation> to create a mountain.

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