Chapter 9: Untitled

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Part 1: Untitled
Yael sat on a drooping willow tree branch, gazing upwards with a smile as if fixated on someone or something.

As she observed her surroundings, she could only see a bleak landscape of darkness, death, and destruction. Nothing thrived or survived in this desolate place except for the tree beneath her.

This place was never so lonely before. While it was always unpleasant to behold, it used to be tolerable. However, now it is devoid of even the smallest signs of life. Not even a cockroach can be found. Though they never live here, to begin with.

In the past, someone of her status would never come to this place without being ordered, but now, it has become her home, both today and in the future.

It's possible that this was a punishment for questioning her Father's goals, or perhaps it was simply meant to be this way.

Whatever it was, it was a...bit lonely.


(Not Long Ago)

Inside Paradise, Yael reclined on a cushion, wearing a bored and uninterested expression. She had been lying there since being "rescued" from the Shinigami Realm, neither eating nor moving. Her eyes remained open, but they lacked focus on the world around her.

From her vantage point, she had a view of the entirety of Paradise, allowing her to witness Ryuk and Suriel entering the Holy Palace. However, she was preoccupied with a different situation, not paying them any mind.

Father God had successfully achieved his goal, leaving Yael with nothing else to do.

When she was created, her goal was clear: let Father God rule over Paradise and Hell. However, once that task is completed, her purpose becomes nonexistent. All beings need purpose in life. Without it, they are mindless and purposeless. That's why many turn to religion or a higher power to find meaning in life.

Yael could go about serving Him the same way as the other servants, but that's not her role or purpose. It's like asking a general to work as a chef. She can do it, but she won't be happy or motivated.

The only time she was happy when not doing the grand plan was when she was pretending to be the Angel of Life, which, in the end, turned into reality.

Watching Raye's struggle to come to terms with the power he was granted made her find humans interesting. How many would hesitate like him? Probably not many.

Looking through the internet, she knew more about humans than they did. Humans, while weak and fallible, were good entertainment to pass the time. That's something she learned from Ryuk. He loves watching Kira and would brag about him on many occasions.

Just like the residents of Paradise, humans have good and bad qualities. Not all angels have the same morality. Not all demons see everything the same way, and the same could be said about humans. Whether they be humans or Father God's creation, they are both imperfect. Our flaws are just less due to following the Supreme One.

As a result of her thoughts, she did not see why her Lord needed Hell. Was it to judge humans? Or was it to judge Paradise? Or keep them both in check?

The motives of Father God, while seemingly clear, were deep and confusing. Once you seem to get it, it hides deeper, always out of reach.

The Shinigami Realm that she didn't put in her eyes, as her Father did not create it and because none within it could kill her, had become second only to Paradise in importance, though it's barren and uninhabited.

If not because her Father ordered her to be captured, she would not enter this dead rock. If she wanted to escape, it was easy. None of them posed a threat to her, even the King of Death. Yes, he was strong, but not enough to threaten her life. However, orders are orders and must be obeyed when given by the one above all.

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