Chapter 10: End of Supreme One, Momonga!

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Part 1: Changes
A few years has passed since the marriage of Ryuk and Yael, but not much has changed in their relationship dynamics. Maybe the title of husband and wife was the only change? They did not act any differently than how they were. They still talked and traveled as friends. Maybe because they were not humans, their views and perspective on the thing called love was different.
Ryuk and Yael had come to enjoy Hell and were intrigued by the changes the Willow Tree will continue to bring. It was kind of odd calling a tree that gave birth to demons, and could bathe in flames, a Willow Tree, but it seemed to like the name and didn't want to change it.
The Willow Tree, maybe because it's a creation of Lord Blue Planet and because it gained the blessing of Lord Momonga, completely dominated Hell, covering every corner with either its branches or its roots.
The demons born with their affinity for Fire, began to spread fire and destruction, causing the land that was otherwise barren to become colorful.
Large swaths of land were turned into lava rivers and oceans with demons swimming in it. The only place that was not changed was the center of the realm, the Palace of Death or maybe it was more accurate to call it the Palace of Demons.
The demons would first start out as petals on the tree, before becoming fruits that drop to the ground as demons. The demons had no fixed appearance with some looking like Wyverns, some looked like typical demons with horns and tails. Some look like giant eyeballs. The only thing they have in common is that they could grow stronger as time goes on.
The Willow Tree, after creating who knows how many demons, stopped and began nurturing a petal that emitted stronger aura than all the demons combined. The petal resides in the throne room, and could become a demon any minute.
Ryuk and Yael were looking forward to what monstrosity would be born, so they named it. Every demon of notable power will be named by them, something they came to enjoy. They were not worried for their safety since Yael and the Willow Tree had a weird relationship. (AN: I was going for something similar to how God told Adam to name the animals. But in this case, no one told them to.)
As the two lovers were inside the palace with their demon servants, the two sat up and rushed towards the throne room with excitement.
"It's about to be born!"
Ever since defeating the universal demons, the universe had no choice but to accept the mountain that is Momonga, and his factions.
Although the universe was not a living being, it knew it did not make sense to continue attacking Momonga, as that would be weakening itself.
It takes a long time to recover and spawn demons. After all, apart from Momonga and realms, there were few who could withstand such an onslaught. If these demons were allowed to do as they please, no one could stop them.
Momonga had expected a new wave of attack but was surprised when the universal demons vanished, like they never existed.
There were no heads or tails to follow. Which was a let down, since he wanted to see if he could locate the source of the universe through them. If he could, one could only imagine how strong he could get. (AN: This is saying if he took control of the source, he would gain infinite power.)
However, while the vision was clear, the obstacles were obvious.
Currently in Paradise, Blue Planet and Momonga were playing a game of chess, which for the hundredth time ended with Momonga lost.
Momonga did not mind, as he was not a master of the game and he was improving. It was getting harder and harder for Blue Planet to win.
The burden he had from being the only Player, the only one from Nazarick, faded with the appearance of Blue Planet. Though, just as he thought, Blue Planet is a copy of the original, he was not the real Blue Planet.
This was obvious since the information that Blue Planet could talk to Momonga about was solely Yggdrasil knowledge, not the real world. This could also be Yggdrasil magic being limited by what it can do, but he doubts it. If he could resurrect someone, the memories from the real world should still carry over.
Blue Planet could grow in power and knowledge however his human body is a visible burden. While he was enjoying this moment of peace, Momonga knew it was short lived. Unlike him, Blue Planet was mortal and could die.
There were exceptions to that rule as some Players chose the Immortal Human race. Sadly his friend was not of the race.
To solve Blue Planet's issue, Momonga thought of a couple options, before narrowing it down to two. Firstly, he could get a Death Note and make Blue Planet live like a Grim Reaper. Secondly he could use a race change scroll and have Blue Planet live as an Heteromorphic race. Both options were good but with their own flaws.
Relying on the Death Note will create a kind of dependency on it that will be hard to fix, which means that Blue Planet will always have a weakness. The only thing that changed was what the weakness was.
If Momonga chose the Death Note option, what if a human can only gain a limited amount of lifespan? Also, what if the Death Note got stolen? What will he do? Also, would Blue Planet agree to such a thing? Knowing his friend, though a fake, he wouldn't.
The other option was not without its flaws too. Blue Planet had earned all his strength and power, by roleplaying as a Green Dragon. Usually Players were not allowed to roleplay as full blown dragons, however there were exceptions.
Dragons are the strongest beings within Yggdrasil, no matter how strong one was, a dragon could still win if the level gap was not too wide. Because of this, the Devs did not allow people to play as Dragons, the closest they could get is, a Draconian and even then one would be extremely powerful.
A Green Dragon, although a dragon, was not recognized as one by Players, because of how weak they were. Their attack power and defense was not good. However, Blue Planet was able to use this race to his advantage. He was a nature lover, so of course he would not care about strength especially when his friends were powerhouses themselves. All he cared about was mastering and exploring nature.
Green Dragons were masters of nature, they had great vitality, making them hard to kill. Their entire body was a treasure unto itself. Wherever they go, it was like nature was following not too far behind. To a roleplayer and nature lover, this race was ideal. Unfortunately, because of the rarity of this race, only Blue Planet had it.
Because of the fact he did not have a race change scroll for Green Dragon, Momonga was worried that Blue Planet would lose a great deal of strength. If it was him, he would not agree to such a deal, but it was not him.
He had delayed this for quite some time and he could see the presence of time on his friend's face. No wonder they say, time was the ultimate winner, because none could escape it. Eventually he will have to make a decision, one that his friend will not like.
"Checkmate." Blue Planet said as he moved the Knight in the place of the Queen, cornering Momonga's King.
"You win again." Momonga chuckled, while looking at the Mirror of Remote Viewing, which was split in three equal parts, showing the scenes of Hell, Human World and Paradise.
In Hell, Ryuk and Yael were inside the Palace of Demons, looking at a throne inside the throne room. The two were observing and examining the throne with excitement on their faces. He watched as Yael attempted to sit on the throne but was sent flying. (AN: From here on, assume that everyone began to call the Palace of Death, the Palace of Demons.)
Narrowing his eyes, Momonga noticed that the throne was a legendary tier item, making him surprised. How come this Willow Tree could create something like this? Also he saw the moment Yael butt touched the seat, black smoke flew out.
"The item is evil or i guess in this case it was demonic." Blue Planet also noticed the scene, "Holy and Demonic are direct counterparts, so what happened to Yael makes sense."
Momonga nodded and turned his gaze to the Mirror of Remote Viewing as he replied, "It seems our power has undergone a noticeable change. The Willow Tree should not be able to do this but it can. The aura I cast the Goal of All Life is Death, is completely empty. The demons cannot survive there, even lava. Anything that enters will die."
"It's not a bad thing for us. The stronger we are the better." Blue Planet said as he begin to reset the chess board.
'When did Blue Planet become concerned with strength?'  Momonga didn't say anything but took note of it.
In the Human World, the effect of Kira and Life Bringer was still apparent on the world at large. The Police Task Force announces the capture of Kira and the investigation has ended, however they did not reveal Kira's true identity. They were worried what the public would think when they learned Kira's age and close proximity to the case. That kind of backlash could paint the law enforcement agencies in a negative light.
Sirochico Yagami retired soon after the case was over. He and his family left Tokyo and seemed to vanish. It was only a couple years later did people learn that the Yagami Household were all murdered. There were no leads or reasons, so it was simply labeled as a serial killer on the loose. (AN: Remember, since Light's identity was never revealed, the public would not think that the Police Chief was indirectly involved in the Kira killings, by fathering Light.)
Raye Penbar and Noami, after the case was closed, settled down in japan and got married. They were reluctant to forget about the Life and Death Note but after the fruit of their love was born, they never looked back.
They sent the information about the Notes to the Task Force via one of the detectives they spotted following them. They were concerned as to why they were under observation, before remembering that Raye had sent a letter to L, which gave information as to why Light Yagami was Kira.
There was no way the world's finest detective would let go of someone who knew so much, but after learning his identity, L had chosen to observe rather than to contact, as Raye's loyalty was not questioned. The observation was most likely to make sure that Raye didn't have a Note in his possession.
Inside the Holy Palace' Throne Room, the Fairy Queen Titania and her advisors move around like working bees. Many of them could be seen exhausted, with sweat dripping from their brows, with many documents in their hands.
However, Titania's expression was cold. Ever since she was reprimanded she has taken her duties seriously. The leniency was not allowed, because that might undermine her rule.
None dared to do their own thing, making Paradise became a heavenly burearcy. The Grim Reapers didn't continue their lazy ways as they will be punished. Their leader, Ryuk, was nowhere to be seen, so none could stand up for them.
"Momonga, what are you going to do? Since the universal demons no longer attack us, this world is now ours, however how do we command it?" Ever since he realized that his Super Tier Spells still existed, Blue Planet's view changed. He was no longer a burden to Momonga, and he could actually help him. However, what he cared about was fixing Hell and Paradise.
The terrain was not up to par with his vision, and he was worried about the Human World, so he decided to set up his own department called Environmental Conservation.
There was no guarantee this world would not follow down the same path as his old one. Whenever a species is about to go extinct, he would bring some to Paradise and have their population grow before returning them back. Also the department will monitor all countries military advances, if it is disastrous to the world's environment, it will be banned.
"I have already thought of that. This world is now complete with Heaven(Paradise), Hell(Shinigami Realm) and Earth(Human World). However, we are lacking decision makers." As he spoke, Momonga put a young man's picture on the mirror, "Light Yagami is a talented person, it's a pity to let him fade into oblivion, I will bring him back and let him be the Deacon of Hell. Yael is only there because of the curse, once the curse is lifted she will return with Ryuk to Paradise. Light Yagami's duty will be to maintain the balance between the three realms. He will imprison anyone that breaks the rules, no matter who it is. Once he completes his own punishment, we can begin with conquering the seal worlds." Momonga's eyes burned with ambition at the conquest ahead. Somewhere out there, he believes his friends are. Until he reaches the end of these worlds, he will still hold faith in this.
"It seem you have already thought of it. I know this is not my place, but I will advise you nonetheless. Be careful of the power you wield because absolute power corrupts, absolutely. I think the Death Note and Life Notes should be banned from the Human World. Just look at the impact and fear caused by them."
"I hear you and agree. However, I think these humans can be used to protect us. Take Light Yagami for example, if we did not exist in this world, it's very likely he would indeed become the god of the New World. Such talent should not be wasted. So in order to find these talents, i will send some notes down and have the humans utilize their full potential."
Blue Planet and Momonga stared at each, tension rising high in the room. Blue Planet was the first one to move his gaze, making Momonga sigh a breath of relief. This was the first time they have disagreed about something, but he could see it happening more in the future, not that he was worried but he noticed it might cause problems.
Momonga stood up and opened a Gate, "I will be back, I still need to beat you once."
Looking at the chess board, Blue Planet moves a chess piece, while thinking.
'Chess' is such an interesting game, but it's a fantasy. Why would the game be over if you kill the King? There are many underneath that wish they could become King themselves, so the game should have continued, until all that is left is the Queen.'
Part 2: Deacon of Hell
Walking through the Gate, Momonga appeared inside a morgue, walking towards a corpse on a dissecting table. Looking at the familiar face, and his current condition, Momonga sighed at the weakness of humans. Was he this weak?
Opening a Gate, Momonga brought the corpse to Hell and looked down at it. What he is about to do is an experiment, which is unknown if it's going to work. He wanted to use a race change scroll on the corpse but first he wanted to have a conversation with him.
Reaching into his inventory, Momonga brought out a Wand of Resurrection. He was actually curious if this is going to work since Light Yagami is weak according to the standard of Yggdrasil meaning he will turn into dust if he was not strong enough.
Using the wand, green light flashes on Light's, before the god of the New World's finger's twitch and sits up, looking at the familiar face.
Did the wand change or was Light Yagami actually strong? Well, I'm happy I didn't lose him.
"Light Yagami, long time no see." Momonga said as a throne manifested under him and he sat down.
Looking at Momonga, Light dusted his pants off and stood up. "So was Ryuk right, are you a S rank Shinigami? Otherwise the fact that I'm alive is hard to explain."
'He, while dead, still remembers that lie I told?'
"That was a lie, I'm not a Shinigami. Let me introduce myself again, my name is Momonga, the ruler of Paradise, Hell and the Human World. I was posing as a Shinigami because of some reasons, but that is no longer necessary."
Light Yagami looked at Momonga with disbelief. He wondered what Momonga thought when he learned that he wanted to be the god of the New World.
'Did Ryuk lie to me? Didn't he say Heaven and Hell did not exist.'
"I know you are confused, so let me explain. This place is the Shinigami Realm or it used to be. After obtaining this realm from the King of Death, I rebranded it Hell, and it took on the current appearance. Currently, all that exists in this realm is demons but it's still lacking. I brought you back, because I need something from you."
Lowering his head in thought, Light look a little surprised by the conclusion he came to,  "You brought me back because I have this something you want?......You want me to look after...Hell?"
"That is correct, you are a talented human, it would be a pity to watch you fade into oblivion." It seems he didn't make the wrong decision, Light was indeed smart, Momonga thought.
Light Yagami became lost in thought before agreeing. He didn't really have an option, because if he refused he would return to Hell.
He failed to become the god of the New World, but he will become a god of Hell, though that title no longer matters. He had only sought to right the wrongs of the system and establish a perfect world, where no crimes exist, but he failed.
"What does my job consist of? What are the limitations?"
"Your job title will be Deacon of Hell, the highest ranking official of Hell. You are in charge of all the demons, you are to set up a system of punishment for the sinners that enter Hell in the future. You will determine what crimes warrant people to come here and you will find a way for souls to enter Hell. This will be your punishment for all the crimes you commit."
Light Yagami's eyes twitched as he felt something was wrong. While it seemed he was gaining an exalted status as a ruler of a realm, his duties were too large. Not only that, just from the fact there is no system in place to have souls enter Hell, it was clear Momonga was using him as free labor. It's also possible the only reason he was even brought back was because of his intelligence, which was faltering.
Seemingly sensing that Light realized his trick, Momonga cleared his throat, not that he needed to, "Of course I will grant you privileges. Firstly, you will turn into a demon, which grants you supernatural powers and immortality. Secondly, you can enter and leave the Human World as you wish. Paradise will be out of the picture for now. You must gain complete control over Hell before being recognized as the god of Hell." Momonga looked at the unmoved Light before racking his brain, "I will grant you one wish, one within reason."
Light Yagami poker face crack into a smiled, "I accept the deal. My wish is to kill everyone involved in my death." Shaking his head with a laugh, "Im joking, that would be low even for me. My wish is for an apple tree that never stop producing apples." A lonesome expression appeared on his face as if he was remembering something.
Momonga knew why he asked for this but he didn't say anything. "Your wish will be granted. Also, for your residence, it will be in the center of Hell. Follow the Willow Tree and you will find it."
Reaching into his inventory, Momonga grabs a black book with a smiling demon on its covers. This was one of the highest grade demon books, one that can turn one into an immediate level demon to a high tier demon. The higher the demon's grade, the more resources that are needed.
"Light, touch the book. And repeat after me."
Nodding, Light started to recite the incantation, "In the realm of darkness and dishonor, I call upon the abyssal embrace. Wings of sin, heart of hate, transform this mortal into a demon fallen from grace."
Fire erupted from the ground and a black gate made from wailing souls appeared. Before anyone could process what they were seeing, a goat hand reached out and grabbed Light and the demonic book before shutting and disappearing.
Seeing the goat hand, shock appeared on Momonga's face as he didn't dare say what he was thinking.
Clearing his mind, Momonga recites an incantation, "Summon Immediate Tier Demon - Hell's Warden!"
A magic circle appeared on the ground and a demon appeared, looking exactly like Light Yagami with a couple differences. The demon had a head of red flame hairs, eyes of molten lava and skin red like scorch lobster. On his back are two demon wings and at the base of his butt is a long tail that moves around with a mind of its own.
"Welcome back, I have a couple of questions to ask you, but for now, go look over your domain." Momonga gave Light a deep look and vanished, appearing in the skies, looking down at his newest servant.
Looking at his hands and feeling the power surging through them, Light Yagami smiled, "It's good to be back." He felt there was nothing he couldn't do. There were many spells in his mind and he even had an innate ability that activated as a result of becoming a demon, Death Speech.
He could kill anything by telling them to die. It was quite powerful as the demon god was surprised he had it, saying his son, a rare specimen of a demon, had the Command Mantra, which was similar but lean to command rather than death.
With his strength, Light felt if he returned to the Human World, no one could stop him, well except Momonga but since he didn't interfere in his actions when he was human, he doubts he would now.
"It's a pity, the Human World is just a small world in the grand scheme of things, with my current power and status, my sense of justice will eventually reach this entire universe. When that happens, there will be no crime, no wars, just peace." His molten eyes shone oddly red, a hue many would be familiar with if they met the god of the New World.
"Sadly, my ambition is no longer that." Light sighed and flew into the direction of the Willow Tree.
On the way, he looked at the spells in his mind and use them to understand their functions.
Along the way, Light spotted many demons, some who reminded him of the demons from Dante Inferno.
The demons upon spotting him, all knelt while placing their hands above their heads, not looking at him, which he imagined was a sign of obedience.
He was not sure if this was because of his status or because of his power. If it's because of his status, everything will be easy, if it's because of power, that might be a challenge since he doesn't know how high his strength is ranked.
While he believed Momonga gave him great strength, the strongest of the demons, without proof he couldn't move freely.
Light was dressed in a black robe that covered his body except his face, wings and tail. His horns that curved into a crown made him look dignified.
After what seemed to be years, Light saw a palace in the distance, but was not eager to approach and took his time.
On his way, he learns a couple things about being a demon. Firstly, he was immune to fire. Even if he were to dip into a lava river, he would not be injured. Secondly, it seems demons do not require food or sleep. His stomach had not rumbled once and the need for sleep was absent. Lastly, it seems all demons or at least the ones I have seen, fall into the seven deadly sins. A demon will embody one of the sins. He for example embodied pride, which was obvious in retrospect.
Inside the skies, Momonga looked at Light and thought, "I was not wrong, my friends do exist in this universe. Just like how I arrived in a world full of death gods, my friends must have arrived in different worlds. That hand belongs to Ulbert, there is no doubt about it. Unlike me, he must have arrive in a world of demons, otherwise his arm would not come through the door. Does this mean if someone uses a book of death to try to become a lich or undead, I will be forced to respond? An upgrade in responsibilities. Or did he simply get stronger?"
Part 3: The True Resurrection of Blue Planet- The Supreme Being of Nature
Inside his room in the Holy Palace, Blue Planet was writing a magical circle on the ground. One with elaborate lines and definitions.
The magical circle was large and accommodated the entire room.
Blue Planet had been researching how to get his strength back but in order to do so, he had to resurrect himself one again. While he didn't say anything, he could see that Momonga was distant to him and he knew why. He felt there was a blank space in his brain, preventing him from being the true Blue Planet.
Looking at what he just finished, he smiled with tiredness on his face. Each stroke of the magical circle drains his mental energy and mana from the surroundings. That's why it had taken so long to finish.
Walking into the circle, Blue Planet stood and held his chin in a pondering manner as he tried to remember the incantations. "Hmm....I believe it was this." Raising his hand above his head, he spoke, "The Mother of infinite life and warmth, the Great Herald, the Green Dragon, seek your aid, resurrect me into my true form so I can do your bidding <Nature's Herald>!"
As the words came out of his mouth, Paradise shook violently as an ancient otherworldly power seemed to wake up and took notice of Paradise.
The pressure was so vast that it made the Earth look like a small pebble on the side of a beach. It even made the universe look like a small river returning to the ocean.
An ancient and motherly voice spoke, "Green Dragon? I have not heard this incantation in eons, I did not think you were still alive, especially when I lost track of you."
Blue Planet smiled. In the entirety of Yggdrasil, he was the only Green Dragon as it was a rare race. The reason he picked it was because of his fascination with nature. In reaching the maximum level in his ultimate Nature's Herald class, he gained a ritualistic spell of the same name. No matter how many times he died, even if he created a new account, as long as he conducts the ritual he will regain his class, however he will lose his levels. However, since he already lost his levels, this spell seems like a good option here.
As for Mother Nature, in the game she was just a part of the background of Nature's Heralds lore. She was never a character, but her lore made her very powerful. For example, her power consists of everything within nature, meaning her power was nigh infinite. And from what he could see, him activating his spell, he inadvertently awakening her or better yet, created her.
"Mother, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, I think I was still in Yggdrasil when everything went dark and then I found myself here, as the result of my friend's resurrection spell. However, I lost my great body and power, so I summoned you to regain what's lost." A Green Dragon and Nature Herald are children of Mother Nature, it would not be a stretch to say that he was her favorite son, well since she doesn't have any. Blue Planet was not repulsed by calling Mother Nature mother, since she was an NPC that deem him as such and he himself grew up without one.
Although Mother Nature's expression could not be seen, Blue Planet imagined she was confused. Though he lacked a lot of information that his main body possessed, he was still different from NPCs, though he was not complete.
"I did sense the disappearance of the Nine Worlds, but since I still existed, I assume the gods had done something to make it escape my eyes. If what you are saying is right, I am afraid Yggdrasil fell......However, how did I remain?" The confusion in her voice was palpable, but no answer was heard.
Blue Planet did not plan to tell her he gave her 'life'. If he never activated that spell, Mother Nature would have remained a simple concept. It was kind of odd, a son granting a mother life, wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?
"Mother, I understand there is much to learn but currently I need to regain my strength. My friend, Momonga, is currently the lord of three worlds. These worlds disgust me, I want to fix them, but this weak mortal body limits me." He didn't know why, but lately Blue Planet has begun to resent his human form. He was never human to begin with so why was he currently one? [AN: Since he has no memory of the real world, he believes he was always a Green Dragon. Also I know, I mentioned a game, which will conflict with the first sentence, but think of it as Momonga telling him that and he calls it as such.]
Mother Nature did not speak further and used her body to restrict Blue Planet's body, "This will hurt." A green aura appeared around the Holy Palace, before funneling down into a room and slamming into the body of a screaming human!
Suppressing his cries that could make the strongest buckle in fear, Blue Planet fell to his knees. His back bent in an unnatural way with jagged spikes piercing out of his spine. His face enlarged and started to turn into a reptile. His legs and arms became bulky and robust.
As time went on, Blue Planet was replaced by a green dragon that slowly grew in size as time went on. He was ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters before stopping at fifty meters. His dragon horns curled back into a crown, his claws leave deep ravines on the floor, his breath leaves green fiery death.
On his black scales, saplings of many plants grew, making him look like a miniature forest.
Huffing and puffing on the ground, Blue Planet felt his eyes getting heavy with fatigue. His body shivers subconsciously thinking of the pain he just went through. This was worse than he imagined, he didn't want to die anymore, otherwise he might have to experience this pain again.
However, feeling the power coursing through his veins, he couldn't but smile. Just as he thought he was still very weak but he was stronger than before. Best of all, he felt his strength slowly, very slowly recovering and he had access to some of his spells.
"Green Dragon, I must go, the power you use to summon me is waning. I already marked this location, I will soon send an avatar. My safe. Before I go, I will give a gift. Use it well."
Blue Planet felt someone touch his face and kiss him on his forehead and smile with amusement and gratitude. Just as his incomplete self, he didn't mind this feeling, but he was more mature.
"Mother, take care. I look forward to seeing you again."
The ancient power of Nature receded and vanished. Inside his mind, Blue Planet smiled as he looked at the gift he was given.
"What a good mother. This gift is really precious." Saying this, he looked through walls, seeing the array of guards looking around curiously.
Breathing on the walls, melting it into dust, Blue Planet walked out in all his majesty.
As soon as he arrived outside, everyone became silent and looked on in awe. They felt the oppressive aura of the top predator surrounding them.
Placing his talons onto the ground, the vegetation rapidly grew making the surroundings transform into a forest, separate from Dojin.
Elves, Fairies, Druid and Trent who were inside this forest, had the urge to kneel down, making them shocked. They never had this feeling with their Father but..this dragon, such power.
Dojin woke up and noticed the Dragon with shock. He wanted to create Nature Dragons to spread his influence but now Blue Planet once again halted his plan. Once, was chance, twice was a coincidence, thrice? Being plotted against!
He didn't remember creating a grudge against this Lord but it seems every thought he had is going to be countered.
While furious, there was nothing he could do. He will have to be content with Paradise.
Thinking of something, Blue Planet used the gift he just got and his draconic eyes looked through space and time, observing Hell.
Yes, his mother had given him an ability called <Nature's Planner>. It's not a powerful ability but it allows him to be omniscient when viewing areas under his command. And since he is a member of Ainz Ooal Gown, whatever areas the guild or guild member owned, technically they will be considered his as well.
Nature Planner was not meant to be used this way but in conjunction with his nature related spells. With this gift he could mapped out ruined worlds and terraform them to his likling.
To a nature lover like him, this spell was a godly spell! His craftsmanship will only become greater, surpassing the Sixth Floor of Nazarick.
As he looked at Hell, on his back, a seedling uprooted and arrived before the Palace of Death, growing rapidly into a large apple tree.
Not done, Blue Planet created a portal that was different from Gate, in that he could attack through it, without having to through it.
Locating Yael, Blue Planet's talons locked into her, freezing her movements.
Even though he didn't return to his full power, he was not something the likes of a NPC could hope to overcome. He was not a fighter by choice but if he needed to be, he would be a frightening foe to go against.
"As promised, this curse will be terminated." As he whispered to himself, his claws seemed to gain a hold of something and began to pull.
As he pulled, a red figure emerged and began to fight against the dragon claw but could not escape.
It was not long before the figure was completely removed from Yael's body and brought into the portal and appeared before him.
Looking at the figure, Blue Planet opened his mouth and threw it in, before chewing.
As he chewed, his eyes closed in pleasure as he tasted the sweet texture of the wrathful side of Nature.
As he ate, he could feel his strength slowly increase, making his aura more frightening.
Waking up, Blue Planet notices his aura and suppresses it before assuming his human form.
He was confused why his incomplete self thought this form was disgusting. He couldn't help but smile wryly since this form was the exact copy of himself in the real world.
"Lord Blue Planet? What happened, how did you...?" Aziel looked at Blue Planet, someone who he didn't place in his eyes, became terrifying and mysterious. That strength, that form, did not pale to Father's power at all.
With a smile, Blue Planet apologized, "Sorry about that, I have regained my true form and was not able to reeled in my power. Everyone, you can return to your post, do not spread this." Though he said that, he knew this matter would spread and he didn't mind. There were no spies here and no worries of threat. If anything, the fact that someone of Momonga's strength exists was a boost to the denizens.
'I'm still too weak. How long will it take to return to full power?'
Part 4: Untitled
Coming to terms with his power, Light Yagami appeared outside the towering black palace. The palace gave him a feeling of smallness and oppression just by standing before it.
In front of the palace, a golden apple tree grows, making his eyes twitch, with annoyance. He wanted the regular red apples, not some whatever these are.
It wasn't a big deal, as long as the apples were still edible.
Walking up the stairs to the front door, before he could knock, the door opened with a familiar person behind it.
Ryuk and Light looked at each other's eyes, with varying emotions.
Ryuk was confused as to what a demon that looked similar to Light Yagami was doing in Hell. He did not equate this person to being the real Light because there were big differences between them.
Light was surprised that Ryuk was here. He assumed that since this was a place now considered Hell, it would make sense for the Shinigamis to reside in Paradise.
On the way here, he did not see any other creatures apart from demons that submitted to him.
'Could a Shinigami kill me? I'm no longer Human so it should not be possible. I must figure out the limits of my newfound strength.'
"Long time no see, Ryuk." Reaching out in an inviting gesture, Light and Ryuk shook hands.
"Light, you became a demon?" Ryuk was aware that once a person died their souls would vanish, there was no afterlife waiting for them. He learned that Light had died. But that was all to it. Yael did not say that Light was alive, and definitely not a demon.
The only person he knew that could revive people was his wife but she has been by his side this entire time. If it was not her, it must be other angels or even Lo..Momonga.
"I have gained the power I've long for." Looking at his hands, Light sighed with complicated feelings. He gain this power but has no one to protect,"I'm here to do my job. Momonga has made me the ruler of Hell, this place is my new home."
Ryuk looked surprised as he knew what that meant. That means that he and Yael could return to Paradise, but why didn't Momonga notify them?
As he and Light spoke, an angelic voice and aura appeared above them.
"He is not lying. The power that has been keeping me here has disappeared. My brother told me that Lord Blue Planet has regained his strength." Yael said as she appeared next to Ryuk, looking at the enemy of her human, with warmth.
Light looked at Yael and remembered when Ryuk told him about an angel that descended Paradise because her Life Note and the memory about Life Bringer. It was strange that he didn't have any resentment towards these two. One lied to him, the other caused his death.
"You are no longer restricted here, you can return to Paradise. I have a job to do." Light motioned for them to leave as he strode inside the palace taking in the view.
Remembering something, before he wandered off, Light turned to Ryuk, "There is an apple tree outside, take one before leaving. My gift to you."
Ryuk looked at the man, no demon he only saw as entertainment and awkwardly nodded. Just as he once said back then, he had Light were not friends, they never were. However was that truly the case? He was not so sure anymore.
With a deep look of confusion and pride, Ryuk held Yael's hand, flew into the skies and disappeared into a Gate that appeared.
'So that is how one travels between the realms?'
Closing his eyes, Light searches for a spell that matches what he saw and realizes he indeed has it, but it was inaccessible by him. He didn't have enough mana.
He could feel mana premeat around him, meaning it will just take time before he completely masters how to control it, but as a demon, time was all he had.
Walking throughout the palace, Light did not find anything of importance. There were no artifacts, no information, it was just a palace with rooms and a throne room with a black obsidian throne.
Walking up to the throne, Light sat on it, causing his body to tremble with shock as his strength and power experienced a terrifying boost. He could feel everything within Hell.
Frowning, Light realized he was wrong, he could only feel what the throne felt.
Turning his head, he looked outside the throne room at the willow tree rustling without wind. It was weird, he could feel it staring at him, but he didn't feel any negative feelings towards him.
"So this is how I, as the Deacon of Hell, can rule over the Demons. My strength is undoubtedly the strongest of them, I was in essence created by Momonga. It would be quite dumb to make me weak, when demons only respect strength."
"Now let's begin. Since I'm in charge of Hell, the first thing on my agenda is organizing and strengthening it." Light was not dumb, since he was given this power, it means it can be taken back. However, if he could subvert that by using methods other than his power, this realm shall be his. Though he was curious about Paradise, that place is not for him. He can only achieve his goals in Hell or the Human World, he already failed in the Human World, so this is his last chance.
Light wanted to create ranks for the demons, which will help him control everything. A demon could govern an area, being like a mayor and then above them another demon would govern a territory, and this process will continue until it reaches him.
This would have been hard to implement, but since he and the Willow Tree were connected, he could enforce his will.
After thinking, he decided to separate the rank of demons into four ranks: Demon Official, Demon General, Demon Lord and Demon King.
Demon Officials are basically demons that prove themselves by possessing intelligence.
Demon Generals are demons that prowess great power and excel in combat.
Demon Lords rule over demons in an area. From this level up, one can receive direct commands and meet with the Deacon of Hell.
Demon Kings are the four rulers of Hell, each ruling a direction, with the Palace of Death, no, the Palace of Demons in the center.
With this idea, Light used his connection with the Willow Tree and embedded these tier systems into the demon's mind.
There was no commotion, the demons simply accepted this as this aligned with their beliefs that strength is everything.
As he was implementing his will, Light noticed something weird in a corner of Hell. With his own eyes he could not sense anything but with his connection, he could see that someone or something was hidden, moving around as if searching for something or someone.
Curious, Light asked, "Who are you? Why have you intruded into my domain?" He was sure it was not a demon, because no demon could exist outside of the Willow Tree influence.
Every demon with the exception of him was born of the Willow Tree.
An audible gasp escaped the figure's mouth as they looked around, trying to find the sort of the voice.
"No need to look around. My will exist everywhere in Hell." Technically not a lie, but also not the truth.
Maybe pondering or maybe still in disbelief, the figure chose to speak, "My name is Oculus, I didn't mean to intrude. I came here to speak with the King of Death, but it seems he...." The voice stopped, not continuing but the implications were obvious.
Light was curious about this as well. How did Momonga gain control of this world? He stated that the King of Death gave it to him but was that the truth? At least he didn't believe it.
"I'm Light Yagami, also known as the Deacon of Hell. I don't know this King of Death you speak of, but I'm appointed the ruler of this realm, by Lord Momonga." Light's words implied a lot of things. Firstly, if you are upset about this, take it up with Momonga. Even if you kill him, Momonga would just appoint someone else.
Light is not stupid, he was placed here because he was useful but he was not going to die as a tool for anyone.
Oculus, still hidden from view, ponders on the title 'Deacon of Hell'. He had to admit, it sounded better than 'Second In line to God'.
He had decided to come here to check on his nephew, the King of Death, but found himself in this situation, an opportunity.
He could see himself getting a boost in popularity, which speeds up the process to Godhood.
"Light Yagami, I wonder if you are willing to work with me? I'm sure this will turn out good for you."
"What kind of work?" He was not against working with this person if it would benefit him. That said, he was not willing to betray Momonga, at least until there is guarantee he could escape his grasp.
Just like how the Willow Tree, who created the demons have influence over them, the same could be said about Momonga who granted him this power.
Showing his appearance for the first time, Oculus with his hand behind his back spoke, "I'm the leader of a realm separate from this. We deal in the afterlife. Once someone commits a sin or crime in life, once they die, we judge their souls to determine if they are evil or good. Evil is eradicated and good is rewarded. However, since this is Hell, we can send the evil souls here to wash away their sins. With this, our two realms can work in conjunction with one another."
Light pondered on his throne, feeling it was a good proposition but there were some uncertainties. These souls that are judged are they from this universe? If so, would this affect the three realms? Also, once these souls are cleansed, where would they go? Back to Occlus realm or here?
This was a very important problem. He couldn't make this decision but since he was given complete authority over Hell, he could justify his stance.
Thinking for a while, Light decided to accept, "This is good, but I must ask, what method will you use to send the souls here?"
Oculus smiled with relife, "That's easy, I will open a rift here between our two realms. Only souls can enter through it, however, hope you understand." 'Hehe, this will relieve the burden on us by a lot. Who knows how many souls we have and how many souls that keep funnel in.'
'What an old goat. That will mean my realm can only accept what he shits out, but I can't do anything about it. Hmmm, let's try this method.'
"Very well, since we have come to this conclusion, let's sign a contract." A black contract manifested in front of Oculus, seemingly made of wood.
'Just as I thought, the Willow Tree while sentient is not very smart. As long as we are connected and I want something to happen, as long as it's within the tree's power, it will do it.'
Oculus looks at the contract, not feeling surprised with a furrowed brow. The contract did not seem weird, as it included things they agreed on, but there were a couple more lines. For example: Oculus and his faction cannot invade Hell. Oculus must make his presence known when entering Hell. Light Yagami and his faction cannot invade the Oculus realm etc.
Oculus signs the contract and it vanishes into flames.
Light was laughing his face off, watching the contract vanish,
'As long as I use this correctly, I can gain great benefits. I said my faction cannot attack him but this is not my faction, it's Momonga! Maybe I can kill Momonga this way or prove my loyalty?'
Part 5: A Hundred Years Later - Black Clover [End of Supreme One, Momonga]
Sitting on his throne, Light Yagami looked at his subordinates, the four demon kings and their subordinates, with impatience on his face.

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