Its been a long time {A/N}

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Hi sweethearts,

Wow it has been quite some time, and I honestly don't know how to explain this.

I promised I was coming back months ago and I am so sorry

My relationship came to an end after nearly 2 years and I was kicked out immediately after my birthday. I was lucky to be able to move in with my family near college to finish out the school year.

My mental health plummeted, and I was in an absolutely awful place, I spent all my energy just getting through my days and had no energy or brain power to write for you guys.

I'm doing okay now, and I am forever grateful to my friends, family, and professors for being the most incredible support system in the past months.

That all being said, I feel as though I'm ready and wanting to write for you again. I'm not sure if I really have an audience anymore or if any one wanted this life update rambling bit, but I thought I owed anyone who's stuck around an explanation.

I'll write for you soon, I promise I'm for real this time


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