I do-N.R

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You loved Natasha. You will always love her no matter what. You and and Natasha has been dating for nine months now,going on dates,cuddling, watching movies together,kisses,I love you's.

Of course you were happy with Natasha. You WERE until you found out you were part of her mission.

Fury: Agent Romanoff. You have a mission

Natasha: what is it?

Fury: this. Your mission is to kill her.

Natasha: wha-..she's the Red Widow it's gonna be impossible

Fury: She's gay. You need to get her to date you and kill her in the end. Your perfect for this mission your her type

Natasha: alright. I'll do it.

Fury: I'll be counting on you.

Tho it did hurt. You stayed with her. You found out a month ago and today you just couldn't keep it anymore.

"Nat..do you love me?" She turned to you "Why?" "Because..i want to know if i really am just a mission to you" Natasha was shocked. How did you find out? She was about to protest but instead she stood up pointing her gun at you and you sighed "Please Nat..I love you" those words cut deep onto her. "well i don't" your heart shattered hearing her say those words "so..everything..was part of the mission? The dates?! The kisses?! The courting?! The I love you's?!" You felt broken. Hurt.

"How could you?" You whispered tears flowing down to your lap but Natasha was shrugged "Say it..please say you love me for real.." she shook her head. "I can't if i don't. I honestly thought you would be more harder since the red room did teach that love is for Children. You didn't listen."

"Because i have hope! I love you please..say you don't want this..say you love me!" You sobbed "no."

She pulled the trigger...

Your body fell to the ground.

Natasha kneeled down brushing your tears away.

She sobbed.

"I love you too...so much,I'm sorry my love"...

I dont know.

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