Her or Him-N.R

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|warnings!! Blood,guns,abuse.|

Natasha had to pick.

It was between You or Bruce Banner

"Natty.." you whispered hoping she would protect you as you always protected her "Shut up!" The guy said pointing the gun at the forehead and the other guy holding your hair back to look at Natasha

Tears pooling your eyes as Natasha stared at you. The whole team was relying at Natasha..you were her wife..and Bruce? He was her ex..

"Save me" you whimpered receiving a kick on your gut and you groaned as you split out blood "please!" You begged "shut up your piece of-" "Hey! Stop!" Natasha screamed wanting this to end but the other guy punched your lip and your lip bled as you fell on the ground "N-Nat..." She whispered feeling..weak

"Fuck.." Natasha whispered..she wanted to pick you..but ber mind was saying Bruce! But her heart was Y/n!

"Nat? What are you doing! We need Bruce! Just leave Y/n..you'll find another person" Tony spoke at the comms and Natasha took a deep breath "i-..Bruce!" The guy pushed Bruce to Natasha and pointed the gun at you "n-no..please!" You sobbed "Take her to the base! Welcome home Subject 302.." Natasha felt a knot in her stomach as they took you away

"No! Please no!" She screamed falling down at her knees. She didn't protect you.

"Y/n..why did you do that?" Natasha asked smiling as you mirrored her cocky smile "did whattt??"

"You risked your life just to save me.. why?" She tilted head "well.. because i love you and! We both promised to protect each other right?" "Yes..and I'll protect you no matter what" she said pecking your lips "I love you Tasha."

It's been a month since you loss. Nat's been a mess,Clint tried comforting Natasha aswell as the team but they couldn't bring Natasha back to herself.

"This is all your guys fault!" Wanda slammed her fist at the table "Whoa! It's not,Natasha chose Bruce" Steve shrugged trying to hide the fact that they ordered Natasha to pick Bruce "No- What the fuck?!" Wanda screamed "Hey language" Steve pointed at Wanda

"She's telling the trust tho..we did order Nat to pick Bruce" Sam said calming Wanda down "hey hey,calm down witchie" Tony put his hands up on the air as Wanda's eyes started pooling with water and her hands started glowing red aswell as her eyes

"Wands?" Y/n knocked at Wanda's door. Pietro just died this afternoon Wanda patted the spot beside her on her bed which Y/n sat down

"Hey-..I know it's hard but you can't blame yourself Wands" Y/n rubbed Wanda's back up and down "I-..I was supposed to protect him.." Wanda said almost as a whisper "Hey hey..look nobody knew what was about to happen..not even you,he died as a hero Wanda" y/n softly smiled at Wanda

"Thank you.." "for what?" Wanda sighed and took Y/n's hand in hers "Thank you for making me feel welcome here even if the others sees me as a dangerous witch.." "oh,come here Witchie bring it in"

Wanda giggled and hugged Y/n.

Y/n was Wanda's first best friend ever since.

"Calm her down! She's gonna lose control!" Everybody stood up surrounding Wanda saying sweet things but Wanda felt as if they were lying. She knew how it felt when people say those things because that's one way of how Y/n comforts her

"SHUT UP!" Wanda screamed and everybody stopped shocked at the scene

"You guys! Fuck you! All of you!" Wanda stormed away locking herself at her room just wanting this to end.. she wanted her best friend back.


Part 2??

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