You didn't have to leave.-N.R

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Y/n's pov
This was it. Natasha really didn't love me anymore..

"I'm so sorry Y/n.." she whispered tears slowly falling off my eyes as i looked at the ground. "I-..It wasn't my intention to cheat,I just fell out of love" I was right. She didn't feel the same anymore,she cheated as if we weren't married for two years i honestly loved Nat so much,more than anybody can and would..

"Did" I took a deep breath closing my eyes before opening them and speaking again "did you t-try? Did you atleast try to love me again? Convince yourself?" I mumbled more tears falling as memories of our wedding started wandering

"Natasha Romanoff,do you take your lovely Y/n as your wife and will love her always and forever, for eternity." The priest spoke and Y/n looked at Natasha with full of love.

"I do." Yet when Natasha said that two words she had a cold tone,like she was hesitant.
",I'm sorry" she said tears forming into her forest eyes "Wow.. did you even your speech when you proposed? Hm? Tell me Nat!" She didn't reply. Leaving me heartbroken even more tears started overflowing
"I'm really so-" "Stop! Stop saying sorry! It won't change the fact that you never loved me! It won't change the fact that you played me!" I sobbed my knees falling to the cold wooden floor

Natasha just stood there. Watching me break down.

"Y/n. We have been together for three years now and i have love you desperately, You have showed me that love isn't just for children. I love you endlessly and won't stop. Your my happiness,my comfort zone,safe space, my first love. And my Y/n. I love everything about you,your personality, your beauty,your lovely humor,your voice,your body and just everything! I also hope that one day maybe if we have children they'll be as brave as you. I love you so much it hurts,you'll always be my number one priority. Love,I love you. So much. Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me??"
"Y/n please forgive me.." she whispered and i stood up my legs feeling like jelly "so what? Five years. Five fucking years! Just so you would play with me?! That's too far! Even for you!" I sobbed even more "It's..i-,I want a divorce...I'm not happy,I'm sorry" wow. That hurt.

"Alright. I truly loved you.." I whispered as she cupped my face "I' sorry,not even a million sorry's can express how much i feel bad. Your a wonderful woman Y/n, you deserve someone who will love you back. And if that's what you want then I just can't give you that" she spoke pecking my lips one more time "I have to go.." "I love you ...for eternity" I whispered and i saw guilt in Her eyes.

"I want you alive." She said before leaving. She didn't even glance before leaving.

Seven months later•
Y/n has thrown herself onto missions, to works,always shutting people down. She wasn't the same anymore, she wasn't the sweet, innocent,funny girl anymore. She was..cold

Fury had no choice. He sent Y/n to missions because he knew this was one way of how Y/n moves on. Yet she can't for the past seven months "Agent Y/l/n,I have a mission for you" "I'll do it." Y/n instantly replied without hesitation which led the team to a shock. Even Fury "It's a dangerous one, you sure you still want it??" Fury made sure but Y/n still nodded.

"Y/n you've been working so much how about a break??" Tony suggested but Y/n shook her head "okay..uh here's some informations" fury handed Y/n a file

"Apparently i just have to break onto a HYDRA base,steal a formula and file then get out." Fury nodded "wasn't a question." Y/n stated. Nobody seen her like this before until these past months. Everyone only knew the sweet Y/n,not the cold one.

"I want to leave now" y/n said instantly "But Agent Y/l/n,your mission isn't until tomorrow" Fury gulped when Y/n send him a glare "right-.." fury said and sent Y/n.

"Fury are you sure about this? It's really not great for Y/n since she was experimented there." Steve spoke and Fury sighed "Agent Y/l/n has been through a tough stage lately,she told me work was just gonna make her forget things.." fury of course didn't believe it but gave in not wanting to upset Y/n

~~two days~~
Fury called for a meeting which was unusual since it was Sunday "Alright! Listen up! Agent Y/l/n has been found missing. Her comms aren't working,the track devices have been broken. We tried everything but we couldn't find her" the room went silent. Some holding back tears,some were really worried "Where was the last time she was seen in?" Sam asked "Uhm..the..HYDRA base" Fury said and everyone was now really worried. What if they got her? Is she alright? Many questions ran through everyone's heads

"What are we doing?! Aren't we going to find her?!" Wanda stood up furious "we are. We need everyone's help" fury spoke and everybody started trying to track her,they went to every HYDRA base looking for Y/n or atleast some clues.

It was 10:00pm at the compound Wanda sobbed while Steve rubbed her back "W-what..if,she's dead Steve?! I can't risk losing Y/n..she's the only family member i have left" Wanda sobbed..her and Y/n are cousins meaning they were really close and got even closer after Pietro's death.

Part two soon!!!

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