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Hi, everyone!!

Before we begin episode 4, I'll give you an additional explanation!

When the characters in my story call each other, they don't call each other by name, they call each other by class.

I don't know what it's like in foreign countries, but when we work in Korea, we usually call it class rather than name.

For example, if the person with Kim's last name is a manager, it's called "kim bujang(manager)-(nim)".

It's a part that you can see when you watch k-drama.

If you watch the video for 1 minute and 9 seconds, you can hear "Seo sangsa(master sergeant)-nim"

That's why the characters in my story don't call each other's names, but they talk about classes!

Of course, if they're close, they can call them by their names.

Let's start the 4th episode!




She spoke without looking at the door, and was surprised to see an unexpected person come in.

"Oh, Captain Kim. You came?? I thought you wouldn't come"

"Why did you think I wouldn't come?"

"Well....I heard Lieutenant Jeon said you don't come to the infirmary very often"

She pulled the chair next to her and told him to sit down.

"Did he even say that?" He sat down carefully.

"Yes....H..How are you feeling?" She quickly turned the subject around.

"It's okay"

"But I'll measure it again just in case"

He flinched as she moved to see him.

"There's a thermometer here. Don't worry" She giggled.

"Ah...okay" He was embarrassed.

The moment she approached to take him temperature, he saw her in approaching slowly and he paused.

"Don't move" She put a thermometer to his ear.

He was nervous when he felt her face near him.

She moved away again and looked at the thermometer.

The seaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora