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Byul arrived safely at the unit, organized her luggage.

While organizing her luggage, she remembered that she didn't know Seokjin's number.

"Ah! right, I don't know his number"

She hurried out of the room and looked for him.

She saw him coming out of the commander's office and ran to him.



She exhaled breathlessly and spoke to him.

"Captain Moon? Did something serious happen?"

Seokjin was worried when she rushed over.

"No....no....It's not that...."

"Just go to my office"

Arriving at his office, she sat on the sofa and took her breath away.

"What's the matter with you running to me in such a hurry?"

He handed her cold water and she gulped down.



"Your number, I don't know your number"

"......Did you run so fast to ask for my number?"

"Yes!! We were supposed to go on a date! How can I meet you without your number?"

His ears turned red when he heard that it was a "date"

"Ah...that's right. I don't have your number either"

"Then let's exchange numbers"

They were handed each other's business cards.

"That's enough. I'll text you" She said.

"Okay, I'll wait"

that evening


Hello, Jin

It's me! Byul

Hello, Byul

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