Bed situation| NSFW

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*Authors note~ my first Natasha fic I'm so excited and my first one bed trope I'm gonna leave the smut as implied but I hope that's okay*

Trigger warnings~ flufff

Prompt~ tumblr anon~ Hi i'd like to request maybe a Natasha. So Natasha hates reader' but then there the only ones available for a mission, then the 1 bed trope w hopefully smut? X
Being on a mission with the black widow was certainly something else. The mission was a simple one, disarming the guards and retrieving some data being kept. An overnight stay was required due to the time you needed to complete your mission, so when you landed it wasn't unexpected you'd both head to the hotel to drop your clothes off and remain hidden. What you thought was going to be a room with two beds was a room with one. Great. You had to share a room with the one agent who hated your guts. It wasn't a secret that Natasha would remove herself from any situation that meant being alone with you.

"Um do you want the bed? I'll take the floor" you mumbled avoiding eye contact. "Oh no, I can't have the starks brand new pride and joy. I'll have the floor you have the bed princess" she deadpanned before moving to create a make shift bed on the other side of the room. Yep, this was going to be awkward experience for you both. You somehow managed to grab some sleep, Natasha was up and ready before you were, completing your mission was simple enough and you ended back up in the hotel room two hours after completing it. Both of you had managed to escape rather intact, minus Natasha having bruised ribs from protecting you. Settling into your retrospective places you couldn't seem to let sleep take you, knowing the redhead was hurt and you blamed yourself, it didn't help with her slight groans and shuffling indicate she wasn't able to get comfortable either.

"Nat? Get up here" you mumbled turning to face her. "What? No I'm fine go to sleep" was all you got in a reply. But your stubborn nature didn't take that lying down. "For gods sake Natasha get up in this bed or so help me I'll be worse than anyone you can imagine" you practically growled. Unsure if it was the pain or sheer tiredness but you were pleasantly surprised to see her coming to lay next to you. "If you hog the blankets, I'll tell everyone you snore" she threatened causing you to giggle at her, "sure sure Natty." A comfortable silence settled over you both only disturbed by the sounds of little breaths. "Nat?" You whispered hoping she was asleep. "Mhm?"

"Why do you hate me so much?" You were cursing your voice for exposing how vulnerable you were by asking that question. "I don't hate you" she relied back without even missing a beat. "I can't be around you, I don't trust myself to not show weakness with you. You make me feel out of control" she whispered back so quietly you almost missed it. "It's not weak Natty" you murmured holding her gaze, "you make me feel out of control too, but there's no one else I'd rather be out of control with."

"Kiss me" she murmured causing you to pause, "what?" "Kiss me" she repeated but a bit firmer now. Before slamming her lips to yours in a passionate kiss, one that you'd been waiting for. Hands came to the others hair as you pulled one another closer. The black widow slipped her toned thigh between your legs causing you to gasp onto her lips. "Tasha" you sighed happily causing her mouth to move to your neck. It wasn't long before she began to suck on your pulse point and encouraged your hips to rut against her thigh. "Nat" you panted "we can we you're hurt." Your brain short circuiting now. "Dekta let's sleep and then when we are healed, because I know your hurt too, we can do things slowly and right" she murmured against your neck. "I'm still gonna want kisses" you pouted causing Natasha to laugh at your antics. "Funnily enough this wasn't the bed situation i thought we'd be in, but I'm glad it's with you Dekta."

Word count~ 722

Natasha romanoff x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now