Insecurities| NSFW

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*Authors note~ inspired by a TikTok audio and my own thoughts about myself, it's important to remember that everyone is different and that's a good thing. You're exactly how you need to be*

Trigger warnings~ insecure thoughts daddy Nat g!p Nat usual mission things

Prompt~ Team go on a mission, r would get like kicked in the chest or something just to make her boobs hurt and she'd say on the ride home "man my boobs hurt so much after that mission" where Nat hits back with "what boobs?" So r like laughs sarcastic and goes "ahaha fuck you"
It was really a simple mission, a simple sneak in and retrieve some of the updated super solider serum and get the heck out of there. You all knew it would be heavily guarded, that's why you, Natasha, Wanda and Yelena were sent in this one. You sat next to your girlfriend and in front of Wands while Lena opted to be the pilot of the Quinjet. In between some basic things about the mission and general chat you all arrived at the secure location.

Wanda and Yelena immediately taking control of the soldiers while you and Natasha snuck through and into the narrow halls. Dating a Russian Assassin definitely has its perks, her ability to get into rooms undetected was something you admired, although you could've used magic and drawn attention to yourself you definitely couldn't pick a lock or hack into the Hydra systems like she could. Your main job was to cover her back, make sure no one would be able to stop her. You even noticed her backing up information onto a hard drive. Smart.

A quick glance back at the redhead resulted in her quipping back "stop looking at my ass Y/n." But you didn't get a chance to reply to her as a guard delivered a hard kick to your sternum. A surprise yelp of pain alerted Nat and you both fought the guards off before taking the drive and information you'd secured and left. Yelena held the doors open for all three of you to jump in before she sped off in the Quinjet.

You slumped on the seat, a hand holding your chest as you breathed slowly in and out. Wanda noticing your pained thoughts, decided to check in on you. "Are you okay mini me?" Natasha seemed curious to what you'd say, after all she knew how much you hated admitting an injury. "I'm fine wands, just man my boobs hurt so much after that mission" you chuckled slightly. Wanda seemed to nod in understanding where as Natasha hit back with, "what boobs?" Yelena burst out laughing at your lovers reply, neither realising that had upset you. "Hahahaha fuck you" you replied sarcastically before taking yourself off to the far back corner. There you curled yourself up in a ball and attempted to sleep the flight away. The only problem was Wanda could see your thoughts were active but out of respect for you she choose not to interfere.

Arriving at the compound, you were the first one off the Quinjet and making your way to your shared room with Natasha. You knew you'd be alone, after all she always went straight to the training room to blow off some steam. You however, prefer to shower the mission away, the mindset of a clean body would be a clean slate. But instead of it calming you and clearing your mind you felt this overwhelming cloud of negativity. You were strong enough to beat them just enough to allow you to complete shower and wrap a towel around yourself.

Nat then joined you in the room to grab shower supplies and go to shower, once again leaving you well and truly alone. That's when you surrendered your mind to the thoughts. Standing in front of your full length body mirror. Instantly all you could see is the imperfections of your body. Which seemed to outweigh any positive thoughts by a ton. Your boobs felt too flat, your skin the wrong shade, your hair to straw like, your arms too thin and your thighs too thick. Hell, even your eyes seem to dull and cloudy like for you. You didn't even realise tears were flowing freely as silent sobs wracked your frame. What a sorry state for you to be in. It's not one you'd normally allow yourself to get to but Tasha had really hurt you, let alone Yelena agreeing.

Natasha didn't mean to hurt you, to her you are the most beautiful woman in the world, so perfect and pure and most definitely too good for her. A statue made by the goddess of lust herself is how Nat sees you. If only you could see yourself in the same light, but right now, all you could think and feel was disgust at yourself and your body. And if you were left just long enough you were sure it would've gotten deeper, but if there's one thing Natasha was famous for it would be routines. She always took the same amount of time and normally you'd be with it enough to notice, but not today.

"детка" she called out to you, effectively breaking the haze. Your head snapped towards the offending red head, tears trailing down your cheeks as you sat there naked being taunted by your reflection. "дорогая what is going on, who do I need to kill?" She murmured moving closer to you only for you to flinch away from her and grab your towel, "nothing Nattie, m'Kay" you sniffled. "No no детка, you're crying naked, that's not okay."

"I'm just so ugly! My thighs are too big, my arms are too small and even you don't think my boobs are even too small!" You sobbed curling into yourself. "ебать!, детка, no. No, I love your body детка I really do. моя любовь you're absolutely perfect in every way. I spoke without thinking and for that I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you моя любовь." She murmured over and over until you let her hold you. From their you just cried it out in her arms.

"детка, let me show you how beautiful you truly our my love" she whispered kissing the crown of your head as you nodded silently. "Lay back моя любовь" she commanded and you did so instantly, yet trying to hold your towel to your body. "None of that красивый дорогая, you are absolutely stunning" she whispered before kissing the tear tacks stained on your cheeks. From there her lips trailed over your facial features and down the column of your neck. Words of praised murmured against the soft skin there.

Only when you seemed to be feeling better did she allow her lips to travel south, all down the length of your body, every inch of skin kissed and caressed softly. Only when her lips had finished their work did she ask you to flip over. Your shoulders were so tense she couldn't help but spend the amount of time it would take for you to relax enough there. Once again she whispered words of praise to you.

"Daddy" you whimpered, the raw intimate emotions overflowing now, leaving you bare in every sense of the word. "Тсс, моя милая девочка, папочка позаботится о тебе, котенок" her thick Russian accent doing wonders for you. After all she knew how much it made you feel good when she complements you in her native tongue. "мой милый котенок" she murmured before bringing her slender fingers to play with your pretty little clit. Her actions teasing but doing enough to bring you to the path of pleasure. "No daddy, more please want you, show me you mean it" you whined.

Showing you was exactly what she did, her hard cock slipped into your folds as her mouth trailed from your lips to your breasts. There she marked each and every inch of the soft skin, it was clear she wouldn't stop till she'd showered each breast with the same amount of attention as the other. Her thrusts slow and meaningful as she attempted to poor all her love and adoration for you into her actions. "мой, все мое" she murmured against your skin as she brought a hand in between your bodies to play with your sensitive clit.

"Gonna cum for me котенок?" She purred as her thrusts began to hit your G-spot over and over again, "yes yes daddy! Yes, please please make me" you mewled for her. "Go on, cum love" she whispered sucking harshly on the sensitive skin of your right breast. "Oh my god! Fuck" you squealed as your orgasm flooded her dick causing Nat to bite back a grown and pull from your fluttering hole to spurt cum all over your chest. Her thigh helping you ride your high while she stroked herself down from her own high. "You look beautiful babe, all painted white for daddy. A good girl for me."  From there she cleaned you up and you both got settled down in the bed where Nat spent the rest of the night loving on you and making you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

Word count~ 1544

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