Time with my baby| Agere

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*Authors note~ nat and Agere melts my heart. Mentions of aunty wands 🥹 bc I'm a sucker for the love*

Trigger warnings~ age regression r little r mama bear Nat auntie Wanda headache crying etc?

Prompt~ tumblr just-your-casual-nerd~ Hello my love, I hope your day is going well. I have another agere prompt idea for you, sweet one.
Idea: Nat x r. Everyone gets bad days, and you were no exception. R smd nat have been together for 4 years now and knew eachother like the back of their hand. And from the moment nat and r woke up this morning, nat knew r needed to slip. But, r being the stubborn ding dong she is, didn't listen to Nats advice and tried to carry on throughout her day like nothing was wrong. The key word is tried. The slightl headache r woke up with steady progressed into s full blow migrain by midday. R's head was throbbing and it was like someone was taking a baseball bat to the back of her head. And try as she might, r just couldn't finsh all the tasks she had set out to do today. And as Nat came back to their room on the avengers compound after a full morning of meets with the others, she found r on the sofa all currled and and crying. Instantly Nat new what was wrong, so she ever so gently made her way to r and kneeled down on the floor, coming face to face with her little sweetheart. As soon as r saw Nat she jumped into her arms and cried and was a blubbering mess. Nat listened to her little love, offering praise and comfort. And after her little one calmed down she picked her up and took them to their bedroom. Changing into comfy clothes, getting her stuffy (Emer) and some colors books and pens. They spent two hours coloring and Nat watching over her little one with a smile. Every so often pulling r in to kiss her on the forehead. After coloring was done they went and snuggled on the bed, with Nat holding r close and running her fingers through r's hair. Telling her how beautiful and sweet and adorable and kind and perfect r was.
The rest I will leave up to you my love. I hope you enjoy it! I love you darling♥️
No one is immune to the curse of a bad day, but for you and your past it felt as if the dark cloud of a bad day always loomed over you. In your four years of relationship you and your lover Natasha had gotten amazingly good at noticing the signs of a bad day, often being the only one who can make the bad day a little brighter. However, today it appeared you had chosen to be rather stubborn. It was clear to Nat that you were having a bad day and in need of slipping. But try as hard as she might, you were unrelenting in your efforts to pretend to be okay  here. So she did all she can do, let you carry on with your day in a hope that you'd come to here when you needed her help.

Only, you didn't. You kept pushing through. Well attempting to push through. What had started as a simple headache by now had turned into a full on throbbing migraine all by noon. You vaguely remember that Natasha had warned you of your need to slip and that it would cause this if you ignored it, and you also remember telling her that you'd be fine and that she was wrong due to not wanting to bother her. Natasha's schedule today was anything short of hectic and you'd be damned if you were to ruin it and make her stay with you because of your own weaknesses.

Your determination to finish all your morning tasks was battling against your throbbing head. Truly you wondered how it was possible to feel a baseball bat battering your head repeatedly but the more you tried to question it the worse your head became so you quickly gave up on that fight and some how tiredly made your way to the sofa in the compound for just a little rest. Really, you weren't going to sleep, you simply didn't have the time but sitting down never hurt anyone, right? Quickly resting your stinging eyes wouldn't hurt you as long as you made sure to be up and busy before anyone returned.

Although you allowed a nap for yourself you couldn't quite seem to drift off due to your raging headache, tears of pain and frustration began to trail down your cheeks as you just closed your eyes to block out the harsh light flickering through the compound. At times when you felt this bad all you could do is regret not listening to Natasha and slipping earlier, and now you are all alone with no one to comfort you, or so you thought.

Wanda returned earlier than Nat due to the fact Tony wanted to modify her suit, so naturally she went to check on you, she was almost like a sister for you, so when she heard your overwhelming loud thoughts she made her way to you. She could see by your thoughts you needed a slip so with a quick text to Nat she set out to help you.

"Pretty girl?" Wanda whispered causing your body to stiffen and struggle to open your eyes, "shhh it's okay y/n, auntie wands knows all bout it pretty, would you like to rest with me little one?" You managed a weak nod and lifted your head ever so slightly. Wanda slipped underneath your head and immediately brought her hands to your temples in an attempt to help you, despite her efforts she wasn't Nat and your little brain knew that. "Want mama" you whined miserably with a pout on your lips as tears trailed down your cheeks once more. "Wans want my mama I hurtys helps me" your whimpers were breaking your witchy friends heart, but thankfully with the half an hour she began to hear Natasha's rushed and panicked thoughts of you. "Ahh little one I spy someone's mama."

Just from the sight of you Natasha would've Instantly knew what was wrong, but having wanda's helpful insight was always a bonus. She knew how much you loved your auntie wands, so the fact you were still crying meant only one thing. You needed her. So it was unsurprising that as soon as Natasha knelt down to face you, you threw yourself at her, loud muffled sobs coming from you as you nuzzled yourself into her neck. Although it wasn't very clear Natasha knew you were apologetic for thinking you would be okay and she could tell by wanda's reaction that you didn't quite want to be in public in this state but had seemingly regressed smaller than ever before. "Ahh honey, it's okay mama has you now okay? You're such a good girl for me y/n, mama is so proud baby. You're okay and you're so safe with me and wands okay? Shall we go lay down ?"

Natasha easily lifted you into her arms with a quiet thank you to Wanda she carried you into your bedroom, immediately setting out to find the most comfortable pair of clothes for you she could. Once changed you settled on the bed with your favourite stuffed animal call Emer. Natasha changing quickly herself and grabbing some colouring supplies before joining you on the bed. Your migraine wouldn't allow for much, just enough colouring to soothe you into a slumber where Natasha wraps you up in her arms and protects her girl from the world. The only place you could ever sleep soundly was here, with her.

Word count~1315

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