Bonus mom| fluff

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*Authors note~ not requested but Nat with kids Is just so adorable I may acc die. Feel free to hit me with nat x reader and wandanat x reader requests:)*

Trigger warnings~ none? Rough past for reader :(

Russian isn't a language I'm familiar with so feel free to tell me my translations are wrong 😂

Prompt~ soft Nat with kids, based off "auntie Nat"
Having a daughter so young was definitely not in your plans, but now she was here it was almost as if you needed her in your life. Like someone up there knew you needed a blessing to carry on with life so they sent you the most precious Angel they had. Despite the way she was conceived she was a relatively calm baby. She was always a good feeder which you thanked your lucky stars for, as a young mother you had no idea what you were doing but she was your little angel and you could work it out together. Just you and your little Dahlia.

You were sure now nobody would ever want you. After all you'd been through and then you had Lia too. That's a lot to ask anyone to take on. But you were happily living your life with your daughter until he found you and it all went wrong. But maybe that's what needed to happen because it brought you to Natasha. Well it brought the red headed woman to you. That was how you and your daughter now ended up living on the avengers compound with your girlfriend. Dahlia loved seeing Nat in her black widow suit almost as much as you did. The child only just old enough to grasp what her job was.

By the time dahlia reached the age of four she was enrolled in school and you went back to work and school too. Part time working in a book store while studying medicine so eventually you could work at the med bay in the compound. Life was all falling into place for you and your little family. Natasha and all the other avengers seemingly slipping right into place. It wasn't uncommon for you all to gather at Clint's place after a bad mission so when you picked your daughter up from school and made your way there she wasn't even phased. She loved getting to play with Clint's children and despite knowing Natasha was on a mission she was still happy to go.

You were lovingly watching Lia play with the others when you heard the familiar phrase of, "Did you bring auntie Nat?" Coming from their daughter only to hear the response, "Why don't you hug her and find out" coming from your girlfriend as she scooped the child up into her arms and flashed you a smile. Nat happily made her way to you with a smile on her face still in her suit only to be ambushed by your daughter, "mama!"

"Printsessa" (princess) she smiled and scooped your daughter up only to put her on her hip. "Hi Detka (baby) I missed you" she murmured as Lia fiddled with her suit, "mama pretty momma!" She exclaimed the world slipping twice now causing your girlfriends eyes to prickle with happy tears. You knew she was calling Nat mama but Nat had never heard it till this moment. She immediately sought out your eyes to convey an apology and confusion only to be met with reassurance from you. "She is my little flower! Can momma have a hug now hmm? Gonna share her darling?" You teased the little girl before coming to hug your girlfriend and kiss her cheek in a greeting.

"Moya dorogaya (my dear), I've missed you so much" she whispered to placing a sweet kiss on your head as you snuggled into her and your daughter. "Mama? Braid my hair like you?" Your daughter questioned with an adorable tilt of her head, her brown locks flowing nicely with the moment. "Sure my printsessa (princess), shall we go do it?" Your daughter giggled happily as Tasha took her to the room you all shared at the Barton's.

That's how you found them a few minutes later, both situated in front of a mirror as Natasha hummed a Russian tune to your daughter as her nimble fingers threaded through her hair creating a tight and neat braid. You couldn't help but stand in the door way admiring the sight, a sight you didn't believe you'd get when you held your daughter for the first time. The braid finished topped with a black bow to match her mama's suit your daughter flung herself at the widow wearing the biggest grin, "thank you mama" was whispered before she hurried her little face in Nat's neck much like you do.

You managed to sneak a photo of the moment before Nat whispered promises of teaching Dahlia when she's older to braid hair, making sure she didn't have to learn the way Natasha did, before tickling her sides and examining "moya lyubov (my love), we know you're there, why don't you come and join us." You came to sit on the side of your girlfriend and immediately complimented her handiwork. "moya prekrasnaya printsessa i moya koroleva" (my beautiful princess and my queen) was purred in her gorgeous Russian accent causing your daughter to giggle, only really understanding printsessa meant princess while you flushed over being called her queen. "moy geroy" (my hero) you whispered into her ear hoping you got the Russian right. This right here is your family and those downstairs also adding to it making you feel at peace and complete. You dahlila and her bonus mama.

Word count~ 945

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