Lovebug| Agere

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*Authors note~ Mars failing her driving exam with silly mistakes equals an Agere fic so I hope you all enjoy*

Trigger Warnings~ little r cg momma nat mentions of Wanda (aunt) foster care rough childhood and abuse

Prompt~ tumblr littles-daycare~ Hi! Could you do a CG Natasha/Little!reader? Where the reader has abandonment issues, and severe separation anxiety ( due to basically being passed around the foster care system) and she breakes a cup on accident ( or breakes something) and panics because she thinks her momma will be mad and leave her and fluff/comfort happens?
You were okay before she left, you managed to kiss her goodbye and totally didn't cry. Well you did but after she left. It was silly really, she'd be gone twelve hours maximum, the mission so low risk she'd be doing a duo rather than a whole team. Without you. Of course you worry for her, as she does for you, but for some reason this mission was hitting you hard. Perhaps it was the fact it was last minute or maybe you'd just been pretty sensitive today. But either way Natasha had asked Wanda if she'd keep an eye on you today. It made things easier for you to have someone around when Nat couldn't be there.

Natasha left about ten in the morning and you weren't expecting her to be there till ten at night, so of course you cried yourself to sleep for a nap. Your hope was that it would take up most the time but in fact you only managed to sleep for an hour and a half. You'd woken up feeling rather small, not really understanding you'd regressed or why you'd done so. But the list that you'd made yourself to keep yourself busy and fully distracted from your lover's absence was forgotten.

Without the mental capacity to even consider doing all your adult you tasks you just rolled over and snuggled into your Mama's pillow, nuzzling into her scent hoping to convince yourself she was truly right her. It did nothing but make you miss her more now. Crying was your only reaction to this and that's how Wanda found you when an hour later. Eyes now puffy and red as you sobbed for your Mama. "Oh darling, are we a little one?" Wanda murmured gaining your attention and receiving a small nod and whimper of "Auntie Wan" accompanied but sniffed and whimpers."I'm here lovely, what can Auntie Wanda do for you?"

"Wan Mama" you whimpered, pouting at the mind reading witch. "Oh I know my darling girl, remember Auntie Wands can read your mind?" Her attempt to get you off of seeking out Natasha seemed to work for now, you gasped as if you didn't already know this information. That was how Wanda was stopped showing you call little tricks with her magic that had you amazed and mesmerised on her rather than who wasn't here. With the promise of more tricks with her magic she managed to convince you to come and settle down with the team. They loved when you regressed and your little state loved them just as much.

You spent hours with the team, even eating a little as auntie Wanda made sure Bucky and Thor were unsuccessful in their attempts to try and "steal" your food of your plate. You giggled every time the tried and wands would remove their hands with magic. Tony filled your mind of all these cool toys he could design for you and all the gadgets he could make for his favourite little Avenger. You didn't know you were the only little Avenger and you most certainly didn't know that your Mama and Auntie Wanda would string Tony up the second they thought you'd be in any danger.

Natasha was due back in an hour and a half now. The team watching all the movies your little headspace loves to watch, in fact you'd began with 101 Dalmatian's so it only made sense you'd watch 102 and 103 Dalmatian's. In fact on the third film Wanda decided everyone should have a warm drink to settle themselves for bed. Really it was so you didn't feel alone when she asked you to have your night time drink. Your headspace meant you were willing to drink from a cup with some support so Wanda happily helped you drink. But one time you got brave, curiosity running through your mind as you attempted to be a big girl and make your Mama proud. But the crash of the mug smashing on the ground startled everyone, your warm drink spilling everywhere amongst the shattered mug. Immediately, you began to attempt to clean the mug, not realising in your little state you could hurt yourself, and mumbled "Im sorry! I'm so sorry! Mama gone be mad me I sworry wan no tells Mama on mes? I fix I fix it please no want mana leave."

Bucky attempted to come near you only causing you to shrink further into the mess and cry a plea of forgiveness and that you'd fix it. You didn't want to hurt again. You wanted to make sure your Mama didn't hate you, that she would stay with you and that she still loved you. All these people were wrong, and that made you mad. You wanted your Mama and the fact they wouldn't get her caused a meltdown.

Wanda quickly became the gravity for you, ushering the men away from the room and immediately scooping your crying form off the floor and using her magic to clean the mess. "Hushhhh little one, it's okay it's all clean. All gone. No one is mad. Your Natty is still gonna love her precious girl I promise" Wanda soothed as you sobbed into her shoulder hiccuping through them. "Shh little one. I'm here aren't I? Did I go?" Causing you to shake your head, "want Mama."

"Did I hear my Lovebug wants her Mama?" Natasha's voice rang through the compound causing you to stifle a sob and gasp clinging to Wanda. Although you wanted Nat more than life itself but the fear of her getting mad at you for the mug and leaving you alone. "I'm sorry no let hurt me. I'm sorry mama I no mean do it I try fix" you whimpered showing your hands that Wanda had magic bandaids on for you. "Oh my little Lovebug, Mama isn't mad I promise. I'm here baby I promise and so is Wands here. She took care of you for me huh?" You nodded and pointed to the television where the white spotted dogs were. "Ah I see you had doggies on huh? You must be super tired love bug. I think it's time my lovely girl gets some rest with me. Wanna cuddle my baby while we sleep" she whispered kissing your head as Wanda helped guide you into Natasha's arms. From there you'd have a few more meltdowns before drifting off to sleep with your head buried into her neck.

Word count~ 1178

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