Event Full Of Misunderstandings. . .

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Here is your update . . .

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In Evening [At Raizada's Party]

In Evening [At Raizada's Party]

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{Aadhya's Look}

{Reyansh's Look}

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{Reyansh's Look}

In the party hall:

Aadhya enters the hall and Mr Raizada [King of Alwar] comes to welcome her. . . 

Aadhya : Congrats Mr Raizada on your success . . . How are you ?

Digvijay(Mr Raizada) : Come on Miss Aadhya stop putting that nice act you know very well know two years back you canceled our contract and how negatively that affect raizada groups and Specially losing my piece of heart because of you how can I forget that cruelty of yours . . .

Aadhya : So Mr Raizada at the time of contract itself I had informed you betrayers have no place in my life but your so very talented son or as you said your piece of heart who thought so highly of himself deceived us not only that he also leaked our private information to the rivals . . .How could I forget that ? and anyways that was just the start according to my sources I got to know your companies 50% share were bought by someone mysterious is it not very sad for you ?     {she said so  with her signature smirk} 

Digvijay : {With bewildered expression} Don't tell me your my new bussiness partner and new CEO..........

Aadhya : Ohhk ! Soo happy late realisation partner , I would be looking forward to making your life  a living hell . . . Lets enjoy the party !

Digvijay was rooted to his place and his son Shubham came from back just then . . .

Shubham : {with a warm smile } Welcome princess . . .

Aadhya : Thank you Mr Raizada but I think your father needs comfort more than me

 { and she walks away with it } 

Digvijay : [In a stern and commanding voice] : Shubham listen to me even by mistake don't go near her or try to be friendly with her she is really a venom filled snake  . . .

Shubham : Dad but I found her to be gorgeous she is literally worth me and its not like i am a not so poisnous snake . . .

[At this moment Reyansh arrives in the party his mood was really very good till now because of the conversation he had with his maa sa in the evening but now listening to father-son conversation he was no less than a rage filled bull . . .]

Reyansh : Mr Raizada and Mr Shubham don't you know what respecting woman looks like there is a limit how can you call her a venom filled snake and you Mr Shubham keep your Dirty eyes off her . . . Don't you know who she is ofcourse you do better than anyone else but you don't know what her future is so shut this fu*king mouth of yours I don't want any such things again. . .

And he walks out . . .

Aadhya listens to the whole conversation and decides to talk to reyansh. . .

Aadhya : Mr Raichand you needed not to do that . . .

Reyansh : Ofcourse I needed to do it we are now business partners Miss Aadhya and ya I had to tell you from the morning please call me reyansh . . .

Aadhya : Agrees to it but had a little hesitation So reyansh everythings good but what did you mean when you said what my future hold for me?

Reyansh : Let that be a secret Aadhya we will go with the flow And I am sure Mr Shekhawat will tell you about this as you reach jodhpur. . .

Aadhya : Ohk Sure.

 {Not wanting to further exagerate the disscusion she takes a leave from there }

Vijay Lets leave . . . I think this Is enough get me my car ready I am leaving for Jodhpur tonight I have something important !
Vijjay : yes ma'am i will arrange for all our cars. . .

Aadhya : {Cold and stern voice} Couldn't you hear me right now I said my car I am going alone . . .

Vijay : {A little scared } As you say ma'am . . .

And Aadhya leaves for Jodhpur . . .

Seeing this interaction reyansh is shocked as of how his sweet little butterfly could turn this arrogant and make people fear of her wiith this little height of hers. . .


Soo this is done . . . 

Sorry for making you guys wait . 

hope you all like it and do keep guessing what's gonna be going in Aadhya's mind whats so important that came up outt of no where and she had to leave alone . . . 

Do vote and comment . . .

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