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"Mom, i don't want to go there..!" jin was crying holding his mother... Taehyung was standing beside him. They were going to start their journey.. The car door opened and Taehyung reached for jin's hand to help him to sit inside the car..

"He is innocent... Please take care of him... " jin's mom said to taehyung..

"From NOW on he is my responsibility... "
Taehyung and jin were sitting in the car side by side...taehyung could see jin was not crying anymore... He was continuously typing something in his phone..

"Hmm.. " taehyung started..

"You are going to my mansion and people will respect you as my husband... You will be introduced as kim Taehyung's husband... If you feel homesick, you can come to meet your parents but with my permission.. And you can't go anywhere without telling me or without me.. Understand? "
Taehyung looked at jin and felt like jin ignored him and continued typing.

"What.. The...!" taehyung snatched phone from jin's hand and throw it outside the window..

"I was talking to you...and you are typing?? My single word is important!!... .from now on..when i will talk... Try to give full concentration on mine...understand??! "

"No!" jin shouted... He felt like crying... He put his hand on the glass Window and continued to look outside...

(JINKOOK+TAEJIN)❤️ 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now