Chapter Four

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A/N: Hello I am back! Sorry my updates have been slow. I have been busy with appointments with my daughter and dealing with family issues. I decided to use this quiet time while my daughter is asleep to write. Thank you for following.

Disclaimer: I can an nothing.


The following morning after arriving in New York, Rachel was up early doing her vigorous morning routine. She worked out, showered, picked out an outfit that Kurt would've been proud of. She decided to leave her animal sweaters and knee highs back in Lima. No toddler or grandma clothing allowed. She couldn't believe that not only was Blaine Anderson in New York but her roommate this summer?

Despite trying to just get over him, she figured it could've been worse. She could've been stuck with someone excruciatingly annoying. Plus, Blaine was easy on the eyes. Wait did she just say that about the guy her best friend was in love with? " Okay no time for romance drama, Berry, focus, " she scolded self.

Blaine: Rachel, if you're going to scold yourself, can you do it quietly, I can hear you and wait, why are you awake at * looking at clock* 5 am? * groans*

Rachel: Eavesdrop much? And I am always up this early. Big day ahead so rise and shine.

Blaine: *groans again* Ugh I hate you.

Rachel: No you don't, now and wake up!

Blaine: Yes "mommy dearest" .

Rachel: What?

Blaine: Nothing .

Rachel continued to do her makeup, as Blaine reluctantly got up and got ready himself. About half hour later, the pair hurried to go to breakfast then straight to the auditorium for their first day of Summer session at NYADA. Even though their personal situation was awkward, they decided to make the best of it. Rachel had to admit, it was nice to have someone you knew there with her.

Blaine: Oh my Gosh, I'm more nervous then I usually get before glee competitios.
Rachel: I admit, I am too.

Blaine: What? I thought you never get nervous? You're always so confident. *and beautiful, he added silently.

Rachel: That is Ohio, but this is New York, my destiny.

Blaine: * gently grabbed Rachel's hand* You will be fine. You're Rachel Berry, a show choir genius.

Suddenly both jumped when their hands touched, a spark rushed through their bodies.

Rachel: Thank you, Blaine.

Blaine blushed. "Anytime..."

Blaine was going to tell Rachel about having second thoughts, and reveal his feelings when he spotted a tall guy who looked a bit older approach.

??: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Rachel looked up and her face turned red, and quickly said, "No, its free. Im free,"

Blaine chuckled, but suddenly felt a bit jealous. He was the one who should be making Rachel weak, not this tool, he thought.

??: Excuse my manners, I'm Brody, Brody Weston. I am going to be a Junior at Nyada. And I am single and free also. And you are? Besides being incredibly cute and crazy sexy.

Rachel: I'm Rachel Barbra Berry, future Broadway star.

Blaine: And I'm Blaine Anderson. Also future Pop star and Broadway baby.

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