Chapter 7

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A/N: Back again for another chapter...Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. MATURE content advised.


Blaine and Rachel were enjoying their time together that was quick heating up, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Blaine groaned and reluctantly got up to answer. Rachel was adjusting her clothing.

Blaine: Hey Kurt, what are you doing here?

Kurt hugged Blaine and rushed inside without waiting for Blaine to invite him in.

Kurt: Well, I was missing you silly. What took you so long to answer,.and why is Rachel here?

Rachel: Hi Kurt how are you?

Kurt: I am here to see Blaine. What are you doing here? Really Rachel this is sad that you are still stalking Blaine who can NEVER return your affections. He is gay and stop trying to take everything that is mine.

Rachel: Um, Finn was never yours. He is your step brother. And as.for me being here, this is my room.

Kurt: I thought it was Blaine's?

Blaine: Kurt: It is mine and Rachel's. She's my roommate this summer.

Kurt scoffed. "Well I need to talk to you, Blaine, so Rachel dear you can make yourself scarce.

Rachel: *irritated * You know what there are things I need to do, a rigorous bedtime ritual. Excuse me, I'll grab my things and head to bathroom. Good seeing you Kurt. Blaine, I'll see you in a bit.

Rachel hurried and walked to the door, before being stopped by Blaine who suddenly was annoyed and appalled at Kurt's rudeness. Kurt and Rachel were best friends, but it sucks how Kurt treats her.

Blaine: No Rachel, this is your room. You don't have to leave. And Kurt, I care about you but that was completely unacceptable.You show up unexpectedly and expect people to jump when you snap your fingers. You don't own me.

Kurt: Blaine. Quit lying to her.Stop leading her on. We went through this.

Blaine: Who says I'm lying. I've lied already not just to her, but myself. I am who I am. I'm still figuring it all out. Maybe I am bi. Heck look at Channing Tatum, he's bi and married to a beautiful woman but no one questions him. You have no right looking down on me for this.

Kurt glared at Rachel. "You what have you done?!"

Blaine had enough.

Blaine: Hey! Don't talk to her that way. She hasn't done anything wrong. She's where she should be. I don't want to lose your friendship Kurt, but I won't stand by allowing this bullying.

Kurt: Well clearly you're under some spell, but fine. I'll go but don't cry to me when you're in her web.

Kurt stormed out.

Rachel: WOW, Blaine, you didn't need to do that.

Blaine: I am not letting anyone speak to you that way. If I had spoke up before, we wouldn't have been in this met. I guess the mood has been ruined.

Rachel smiled, grabbing his hand, and guiding him out of the room to the empty coed bathroom.

Rachel: Not really, in fact, I think I'm more turned on by it.

Blaine smiled. "I thought you had a rigorous bathroom ritual?

Rachel: Oh it's most definitely going to be rigorous. But I never said I was going to be alone. I may need an extra hand in those MUCH hard to reach places.

Blaine's mouth dropped. "Miss Berry what kind of guy do you take me for?

Rachel: Hmm the kind of guy who will let me rock his world. *singing* Don't you want me baby. Don't you want me now" while stripping down to nothing.

Blaine: Oh MIss Berry, let the rocking my world commence.

Rachel turned on the water,.waiting under the stream of hot water.cascading over her body.

Blaine: *mouth watering * Thank you God for creating women* he thought. He pushed her further into the shower, and kissed Rachel passionately all over. Their make out session became more heated, frantic and Rachel let out a loud moan, "Oh Blaine!"

About 30 minutes later after coming down from their pleasurable moments I the shower, Blaine and Rachel finished showering and Blaine led her back to the room.

Rachel: Wow that was...incredible. Still confused?

Blaine: I am..100 percent.. Sure that I love Rachel Berry.

Rachel: I love you too, but time for sleep.

Blaine: Who said anything about sleep? *grabbing her, leading onto his bed, kissing her*

Rachel laughed. "Again?"

Blaine: Oh Miss Berry, you're not through rocking my world, and do I want you? Damn straight. So hot when you beg.

Rachel: I never begged.

Blaine: YET...

Soon round 2 commenced and every thought and doubt was gone, at least for now.


Meanwhile, Kurt was outside NYADA heading back to his car, but determined that Blaine will be his...

"This isn't over Blaine" Kurt gritted.


A/N: Read and Review

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