Chapter 8

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A/N: Back for another chapter. I hope you're enjoying this story.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


The next morning came too quickly as far as Rachel was concerned. Time for another week of classes, the summer was almost halfway over. Who would've thought she would not only be spending it in New NYADA. And waking up in Blaine's arms. Of course it was ruined by Kurt, but she was proud that Blaine defended himself and her, as well.

She found out her crush on Blaine has only grown.And he may or may not feel the same, but for now he was hers. She looked over and saw that he was asleep with a smile. He had his hair curly minus gel. Rachel felt honored to see the real Blaine. He was smart, funny, insanely talented, and seemed to accept her for HER. She smiled, as she ran her fingers through his hair placing a soft kiss on his lips. Blaine softly moaned, kissing her back.

Blaine: Mmm good morning beautiful.

Rachel: Shhh good back to sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up.

Blaine: Its okay. I just want to hold you.

Rachel: You're so sweet. Blaine, can I ask you something?

Blaine: Of course.

Rachel: What's going to happen when you and I go home to Lima?

Blaine sighed. "Honestly? I'm not sure, I mean I want us to work out whether as a couple ir as friends.

Rachel: I want that too, but what about Kurt?

Blaine: I care about both of you, but whatever is between us is between us. He has no control. I'm falling in love with you, Rachel. When I think of a future, I see you in it. Wouldn't that be insane on Broadway together. I don't want to lose you. If Kurt can't accept that then he will have to. I don't have a crystal ball Broadway baby. You know what I've been working on a song, since I first met you. Would you care to listen?

Rachel: I would love that.

Blaine smiled and retrieved his guitar.

"Can We Dance?" (A/N: The Vamps)


I talk a lot of (shh) when I'm drinking, baby,
 I'm known to go a little too fast.
 Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy,
 But they're the only friends that I have.
 I know I don't know you,
 But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl.
 That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?

 Here we go again, another drink I'm caving in,
 And stupid words keep falling from my mouth.
 You know that I mean well,
 My hands were meant for somewhere else.
 Your eyes are doing naughty butterflies

 Oh, oh, one more drink and I should go,
 Oh, oh, but maybe she might like me though.
 Oh, oh, I just can't think of what to say,
 Should I go, should I stay?
 Just can't let her slip away.

 I talk a lot of (shh) when I'm drinking, baby,
 I'm known to go a little too fast.
 Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy,
 But they're the only friends that I have.
 I know I don't know you,
 But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl.
 That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?

 I was nearly in, but then came the pushy friend,
 Killed the vibe and took my perfect ten away.
 You know I need you, girl,
 My heart's not made for someone else.
 So save me here 'cause I can barely stand.

 Oh, oh, one more drink and I should go,
 Oh, oh, but maybe she might like me though.
 Oh, oh, I can't take this any more,
 Should I stay? Should I go?
 It just can lead back to her door.

 I talk a lot of (shh) when I'm drinking, baby,
 I'm known to go a little too fast.
 Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy,
 But they're the only friends that I have.
 I know I don't know you,
 But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl.
 That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?

 I've been a bad, bad boy
 Whispering rude things in her ear,
 Please say she'll break,
 Please say she'll change
 Her mind and bring me back to her place.

 I talk a lot of (shh) when I'm drinking, baby,
 I'm known to go a little too fast.
 Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy,
 But they're the only friends that I have.
 I know I don't know you,
 But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl.
 That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?

 I talk a lot of (shh) when I'm drinking, baby,
 I'm known to go a little too fast (a little too fast)
 Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy,
 But they're the only friends that I have.
 I know I don't know you,
 But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl.
 That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?

Rachel: Wow, that is amazing.Thank you Blaine.

Blaine: For what?

Rachel: For loving me. *she leaned in capturing his lips with her own, Blaine kissed her back*

They pulled away, smiling.

Rachel: For sake of clarity, I love you too, Warbler boy. I kbow everyone will hate me like Kurt. I'm tired of being bullied or threatened to give up everything while they get to be happy & continue to bully me. I deserve to be happy.

Blaine: Yes you do. Now let's head back to bed.

Rachel pecked his lips, tempting but Rachel knew they had classes. Work first, playful fun later. More lovin to look forward to. Time for breakfast.

Rachel: As much as I want to, I'm starving. I'll be back.

Blaine groaned. "Fine, hurry back so I can have my way with you.

Rachel: So romantic.

Rachel kissed him again, then got dressed and out the door. Just as Rachel pressed the elevator button, someone yanked her arm. She gasped running into Kurt.

Rachel: Kurt what the hell?!

Kurt: I'm saying this one time. STAY AWAY FROM BLAINE!

Rachel: Sorry, I'm not going to. Why shpuld I always be the person to sacrifice. For who? The very people who bully me, including you Kurt. Whomever Blaine chooses,it will be HIS decision. Excuse me, I have somewhere to be. Go home Kurt.

Rachel got into elevator and left, while Kurt glared at her.

Kurt was furious. " We shall see Rachel. You messed with the wrong DIVA...

Uh oh....


A/N: Uh oh for sure...

My Broadway BabyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora