Chapter 6

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A/N: Happy July! Its almost time for the holiday weekend. For my Canadian friends, Happy Canada Day! I want to thank everyone for being patient with me. It's been a crazy time for my family. I'll try to update when possible. You have all been so understanding and patient. You're amazing. Let's move on with the story. I'm forwarding the story a bit. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Mature rating advised.


It has been a month, and both Blaine and Rachel have kept busy with classes, seeing the sights of New York with some of their fellow classmates, but yet to go on the highly anticipated date. Definitely need to step it up from their Love Story at the Revival Theatre though.

Blaine was waiting for the right time to ask her put. Well he has, but he wanted to do it right. Rachel was still in class, so Blaine decided to enjoy his alone time in the dorm room. He finished his homework, then took a shower. Kurt had been messaging him non-stop. Blaine replied but perhaps not as often as he should. Did he feel guilty? Yes, but also wanted to give he and Rachel a shot without inteferance. He knew Kurt would not let him off the hook and Kurt would take it out on Rachel.

As soon as he was finished with his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist flexing his muscles and boxing a bit. Rachel was simply amazing, but he had to step up his game if he wanted to win her over King Tool Brody Weston. While looking in the mirror, listening to his iPod he didn't hear the door open.

Rachel: Oops sorry Blaine. *blushing while checking out Blaine's incredible body. Damn who knew what hid under his Dapper exterior. She felt hot suddenly.

Blaine jumped, but smirked as he caught Rachel Barbra Berry checking him out.

Blaine: Oh hi Rach. Sorry I'll get dressed.

Rachel: Oh take your time,.nothing haven't seen before.

Blaine smirked. "Oh really? Who's body have you seen naked? Shocker!


Blaine: Speak up can't hear you *teasing*

Rachel: You know what it is rude to question a woman like that Blaine Warbler. Maybe you should put some clothes on.

Blaine: Too many layers.

Rachel blushed again and looked away.

Blaine chuckled and felt good getting the high maintenance Berry stuttering and loss for words.

Blaine: So Rach, I was wanting to ask you something.

Rachel: What is it?

Blaine: Well, I- *he was cut off by a knock at the door*

Damn, Blaine thought. Rachel opened the door, and Blaine saw red.

*knock, knock*

Rachel: Oh hi Brody. What are you doing here?

Brody stood in the doorway with shorts, sleeveless shirt, and smiled.

Brody: Hello sexy Berry. Oh hey Fraine.

Blaine: Hey Frodo.

Brody: You are hilarious. Listen Rach, its almost Fourth of July and I am having a party in my dorm.

Rachel smiled. Brody was hot, but she had been waiting for Blaine to ask her out.

Rachel: Well-

Blaine: Oh wow she would love to but we have somewhere to be. Should've asked sooner.

Rachel: We do?

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