6. Queen Glamour

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It's another Monday morning at Peachwood High. Many groups of students gather together in their friend groups to chat about their weekend as they get ready for the first period of class. However, Alice just walks down the hallway, until she arrives at her locker. She's never really been the social and outgoing type, she just prefers to focus on what matters to her the most: her studies.

For the most part, she's been pretty content with just being on her own, and not really talking much to her classmates. It's only recently that she started to hang out more with Alex and Tommy, and started warming up to them as friends, ever so slightly. Still, she does spend most of her time on her own, while Alex and Tommy do their own stuff, which she doesn't mind.

She opens her locker and takes out some textbooks and notebooks, distracted in her thoughts about recent events, such as the discovery of there being more superhumans than just Alex, and her plans for making a radar that can detect them.

However, she's quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she hears a voice that's all too familiar to her, and just gives her a feeling of annoyance from hearing it.

"All alone again, aren't you, Anna?" she hears behind her, in a haughty, high-pitched voice. Alice just sighs, and turns her head, only to see exactly who she expected to see. Brittany, the leader of Peachwood High's cheerleader team, along with her two best friends, Vanessa and Helen.

"It's Alice." Alice responds, just internally hoping this interaction ends soon.

"Whatever, that's not important." Brittany responds, rolling her eyes. "Doesn't surprise me honestly. No one wants to hang out with a weirdo." She adds, both Vanessa and Helen laughing at the comment, while Alice just rolls her eyes.

"If so, then why are you even talking to me?" Alice asks her, more annoyed at Brittany's antics than actually intimidated. "Don't you have something better to do?" she adds.

Brittany runs her hand through her wavy blonde hair, with a smug grin. "Now that you mention it, you're right. I was just talking to the girls about the party I'll be hosting this Friday. It's going to be the biggest one yet. Everyone's going to be there." Brittany tells her. "Or well, almost everyone. We don't want any weirdos like you there, Amy." she adds.

"Fine by me, I wasn't interested in going anyway." Alice responds, closing her locker now that she has all the books she needed.

"Of course you're not, you'd rather stay in your dark room reading or doing science stuff so you forget about how lonely you are." Vanessa quips.

Alice just raises an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Is that supposed to offend me?" She asks. By now she's more than used to Brittany, Vanessa and Helen acting like this.

Brittany knocks the books out of Alice's hands, causing them to fall onto the floor. "You're no fun, Aria." Brittany tells her. "That's why no one hangs out with you." she adds, while Alice tries to pick up the fallen books. "On the other hand, everyone loves me. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from me." Brittany tells her.

"Be like you? I'd rather hug a cactus." Alice replies, getting back up with her books in her arms. "Well if you don't have anything better to do, I certainly do. So bye." Alice adds, as she turns around and starts walking away from the trio.

"Did she just say she was going to hug a cactus? Wouldn't that like... hurt?" Helen asks, baffled at the idea of Alice trying to hug a cactus.

Vanessa rolls their eyes at that. "Is that really the only thing you heard?" Vanessa asks Helen, annoyed at her.

"Forget about it, she's not worth the trouble." Brittany tells her two friends. "Let's get going. We're going to invite everyone to the party." The three girls walk down the hallway, only to see a crowd of people up ahead. "What's going on?" Brittany asks, as the three of them come closer to take a look at what's happening.

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