Free Verse: "What a Feeling"

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Free Verse: "What a Feeling"

I was nothing but a shallow, broken dream

Tangled around a fear inside the mind,

That grew with a heart unweaving

In a lonesome cavern, I had cried

In a hole whose end I pulled in behind

In a world made of lost languages, and steel hearts

In the dark... I felt a rhythm, a pulse full of pride

It was a song without an ending, without a sound,

Whose notes ebbed to drown my eyes

The silent symphony wrapped around my chest,

Having taken a hold of my heart and shallow breaths

Drying floods of the eyes, tying strings of the heart

In the hole... a light sparked to chase the dark,

Painting the air vibrant, the paintings came alive,

The walls started breathing and sent me running for my life

The colors gave me hope, reminding me of the love I loved before

And they rid the black, making room for the melody

I felt the music... and found myself dancing for my life

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