Ballad: "Sigh in the Night"

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Ballad: "Sigh in the Night"

Melancholy spirits float through the dusk breeze

Endlessly searching for something that isn't there

An unknown need, wanting and begging to be fulfilled

An ache in heart's place, leading them somwehere

The souls are engulfed in fluttering frenzies

Soaring through the starry skies in calling

Flitting about, like aimless wisps of smoke

Carried through the frozen blackening

Reflecting their yearnings in twilight eyes

Their visionless orbs, like tiny twinkles of light

Quite faintly resembling that of gliding fireflies

Their bodies appear gently gilded in starlight

Such a beautful sight to see, if one is graced

Beauty without a doubt, yet so bathed in spite

Their whistling breaths turn to gusts of cold

And, just maybe, you'll hear a sigh in the night

Harboring heavy hearts burdened with loss

As dawn sets the cloudless sky alight

The souls wearily retreat into hiding

Dissappearing, and out of sight

For these twilight souls know,

They will have to hush their sighing

For yet another perfect night

To proceed their eternal searching

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