Free Verse: "In You"

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Free Verse: "In You"

Newspaper presses, smeared ink splotches

Weeping over you... is the news of the day

Soft melodies dull, like broken music boxes,

that outweigh my heart, yet they're light near you

All the stars... stars, they dance in your eyes

The clouds shower down an azure dew on you

In your auric field... the colors, they shine so bright

Your soul, such a lovely design... is gone with you

Your Incadescent spirit... it's all painted in vibrance

Flutter away, like a perfect feather, it flies for you

Just hearing you, your words... they echo in the isles

My little, tiny voice, so small... now, it's lost after you

Inside of me, you won't fade; inside of you, I will fade

The time, it goes away... moving on... ticking on in you

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