Side Story 2 - Homework

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Like morning dew and the scent of rain passed. A breath of wind mutters silently to my ear. A groan and a whimper escaped from his lips as he tossed in his sleep. It seemed like he was having a bad dream.

Silently, my steps followed a quiet trail as I sat on his bed and brushed his hair. His face was scrunched up and his hands trembled for reasons I didn't know.

Whatever it was, I soon grabbed him far away from his dream by slightly shaking the poor boy awake. "Eli… It's morning. You should get ready for school." I murmured as his eyes blinked once and twice trying to fight for consciousness.

"Mom?" His voice was a bit thin, like he was worried and scared. He had been my son for a few months already but I feel like there is still a wall between us. It was obvious, for him, I may just be another adult who takes care of him.

When he finally caught himself after a few seconds, he made a yelpish noise and covered his mouth. "Miss Maddie!" His words caught me by surprise.

"Are you okay, Eli?" I felt around his cheek and squeezed them. "Were you having nightmares?"

"I-It was nothing." He shook his head and found his little fingers a far better sight than looking at my eyes. "I was just having a scary dream."

A smile formed my lips as I pinched his cheeks much to his dismay. "Tell me about it?"

"It was…" There was hesitation in his voice, "It was a dream about a family. They had to— They had to leave behind their child to chase after their dreams. The child waited and waited but they never came back. The poor little boy waited and waited but no one came for him and he was left all alone."

My heart panged in pain. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm sure someone will come for the boy, if you dream of the boy again, tell him to wait just a bit longer. Maybe you can stay by his side too."

Eli looked up at me with a glimmer in his eyes. He smiled and nodded. "Hmmhmm!" I ruffled his hair and pulled him out of the bed.

"Now get dressed and eat your breakfast." I bopped his nose and he returned it with giggles. "Your Ma has made some pancakes just for you."

"Nice!" He laughed and ran out of the room in his pajamas.

Warmth flowed through my body as I couldn't help but feel thankful for such a bright and hopeful young kid to be born in this world. I may not be your real mother, nor may I be the best mother in the world but I promise this to you Elijah, I will take care of you until the end.

I stepped out of his room and closed the door behind me. Ahead of me was a heartwarming sight indeed. Eli was sitting on the dining table swinging his legs and eating his breakfast while Taylor sat on the chair across from him and was reading a book. She wore her office outfit and was ready to leave for work.

She saw me step out and a bright grin flourished on her face. I stepped over to her and leaned in for a kiss in which she gladly accepted. "No work today for you?" Taylor asked and I shook my head.

"My earliest schedule is at noon, So I'll clean the apartment a bit before I go." I explained and Taylor nodded. "I'll take Eli to school first though."

"Oh? Can I come along?" She whimpered but I shook my head and kissed her cheek again.

"Honey, you're already late, you should get going." It was unfortunate but there was no helping it. Taylor was also due for a promotion so her being late would certainly be a bad look.


"If you do well today again, I'll give you another reward later." All it took was a few simple words and she sat like a cat with her tail straight up.

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