Side Story 3 - A Perfect Girl

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I slammed my locker shut and banged my head lightly on the stainless blue metal. I felt a bit exhausted after the midterm exams but after getting my papers that exhaustion turned to relief.

Well I knew I was going to ace it like usual but I was more so afraid of the idea that I may have accidentally messed up somewhere.

"Taylor!" A boy calls from somewhere next to me through the crowd in the hallway. It was a friend, Cal, he was one of my few friends in highschool. "You look a bit down? Thought you got straight A's again?" He had his brown hair swept to the side and he wore jeans and a red flannel.

"I did. I made my parents proud again…but" I sighed and turned to my side to face him, "I guess I'm still just a bit worried."

"Well, don't worry about it! You're the perfect girl." He tried to cheer me up. "You are The Taylor Ramirez: Ace student, athletic, responsible, and kinder than anyone I know."

I gave a faint laugh. "I guess." I had always done my best to try and be the best daughter for my mom and dad. They've given me everything I ever wanted so I could only pay them back by living a successful life.

This persona of the perfect girl is something I must take with me to my grave. Cal wrapped his arm around my neck and squeezed my head. "Cheer up, Tay." He had a wide grin on his face.

I smiled at him but struggled out of his arms. I slapped my cheeks and forced a smile. "Thanks Cal."

"Hey, I promise you, I'm always gonna be here." He held a soft expression for me.

I first met Cal in my second year here. We both had the same first period and he sat on the chair next to me. Although, he was pretty late on his first day. He swished the door open and rushed to the seat next to me.

I've held an intimidating presence and didn't really make any friends for my first year due to being the quote on quote perfect girl to the people around me but even with that he still approached and introduced me to his friends.

I owe a lot to him.

I grabbed my books out of the locker but the feeling of doubt once again creeps into my mind, this feeling of worthlessness. This desire for perfection that I pressure myself to uphold is only to repay all the love that I never deserved. If you took a good look at me, I'd honestly be extremely pathetic.

"Hey." Cal pulled my head out of the locker. "You're back down at the slumps again."

"Just lost in thought." I brushed it aside.

"Hey you two!" A voice called from behind both of us and I felt my entire body squeeze up for god knows what reason.

"Sup, Leo!" Cal greeted back as a girl, slightly taller than me walked over and smiled at the both of us. She wore a jacket and some ripped jeans. Her auburn hair was done in braids and her gray eyes looked serene, like watching a storm from above.

"H-Hi Leo." I stutter. I don't really know why but I can't help myself when I'm around her. I've always pushed away the thought cause I don't wanna think about it. I find it terrifying, even the idea.

"Why are you two just standing here?" She raised an eyebrow and shook Cal's shoulders. "Has this dude been acting weird again?" She teased him and he groaned at her.

"N-No. He was just cheering me up." I explained and she laughed sweetly. I felt air stuck in my throat when I saw that and I cursed myself inside for feeling that way.

"See! I was helping!" He pushed her away and Leo grinned.

She then turned to face me and I think my chest did a flip. "What was on your mind, Tay?"

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